[SIZE=6][FONT=Impact]Impact R0x0Rs[/FONT][/SIZE]
News Gothic or Swis Lt CN.
verdana for websites and on screen graphics and arial or Gill sans for print (usually my body copy font)
bah, sif you all!:
Myriad Pro!!!
(at any point size)
I use arial bold at small pt. sizes. I like it, I’m surprised nobody has mentioned it yet…
i did… i use the arial suite. 2 post up
I second the motion
does anyone know where u can download legal trials of pay fonts? im doing my website, and i really like this font, but i only need to use it for maximum 1 hour.
Verdana for nearly everything. I like FFF’s Estudio (8pt) for Flash
verdana and tahoma for professional look. my faves
standard 07_53 :beam:
Swiss721BT = a classy san ;). Problem is its generally a Mac font…outlines not too good on PC
Trebuchet MS is great if you want something a bit different… 1.5 spaced, grey…
Verdana and Trebuchet MS
Creampuff - Lovely header font
that is a cool font, thanks for the example!
I dont know what my fav would be,
but ive been really diggin fontfreak.com’s stuff recently.
I really like their font “mute fruit.”
wow I have never seen this site for fonts, thank you