What's up with the Flash Pen Tool?

Hello all

I was just reading a thread where some discussion over the flash pen tool was taking place and I am curious to know what everyone thinks.

I personally have pretty much given up using the flash pen tool altogether except for simple shapes and straight lines. I can’t stand using that stuping mofoing thing!

What’s your take?

EDIT: Illustrator’s PEN TOOL ROCKS!

I’m really surprised by the way the poll is going. Either you love or you hate it I guess.

Thinker, you hit the nail on the head.

illustrator pen tool rules. i dont see how people can control the pen tool in flash. i can’t - my vector images always come out funny in flash.

ok, everyone in this thread who doesnt like the Flash pen tool, go here:


And let them know. The greater number of people who complain about a certain aspect of the program, the more likely they’ll improve it in the next version.