Haha, so yeah. I got married recently and we’re on a delayed honeymoon atm. We’re starting out in Malaysia, moving on to Thailand and Vietnam.
I just had to share a really funny experience on the way here.
Our overseas flight was from Chicago to Seoul, Korea. Apart from the harrowing experience of being 6"4 (195cm for us euros!) and sitting on a plane for 15 hours straight, it was a pretty nice flight. Anyway, to cut to the chase: …
Im Swedish. The first thing people tend to associate Sweden with is;
- Pretty blonde girls
- Ikea
- Abba.
Now, they are all true, but being a person that has been flying around a LOT I also know for a fact that our air stewardess’ aren’t exactly the “hot girls” they are made out to be. Even worse so in America, where the girls tending to the plane look like any average Jane youd see walking down the street.
But hey. Landing in Korea, we walked around a bit in the terminal and this HUGE host of Korean stewardesses came towards us (20+) … They were all supermodel quality, perfect bodies, perfect hairdos and looked extremely “proper”… Ive never seen such a big group of pretty girls together … ever. And Im Swedish!
So naturally, I couldnt quite keep my eyes (or my jaw) to myself and they noticed. Instead of being like “hmpf that guy is eyeballing us” they all broke out in a huge smile and took an (almost) perfectly syncronized bow.
That killed me. a bunch of 20 supermodel girls noticing me staring and all bowing down to say “thank you for appreciating our beauty” … I was in total awe for like an hour and my wife (being Asian herself) couldnt stop laughing at me.
Now, it probably had something to do with me being a 6"4 guy with blue eyes too, since its a bit of a rarity in Asia, but still… omg
Sorry, I just had to share the experience. I hope you are all doing great. Its like 39 degrees here and Im trying to work on my laptop sitting in the sun with shades and a glass of ice tea ;p
Kind regards