hehe good job EG…call in the head honcho… [SIZE=1]this thread should attract spammers like flies to sh*t …then when they all are here and don’t suspect a thing, we can JUMP THEM and STEAL aLL THeIR SPAM!!! BWHAHAHAHAHAHAH[/SIZE]
Originally posted by Makaveli *
**hehe good job EG…call in the head honcho… [SIZE=1]this thread should attract spammers like flies to sht …then when they all are here and don’t suspect a thing, we can JUMP THEM and STEAL aLL THeIR SPAM!!! BWHAHAHAHAHAHAH[/SIZE]
The thing that gets me is Lost. His pos tycount is so high but if you read his posts you see they aren’t your regular spam like say all of midpis posts. The majority of Losts posts are helpful and informative. So many posts so little spam