Hey folks…
I would like your help in figuring out how and where to start developing a specific flash website.
I use flash mainly for simple crappy tweens etc, slide shows, banners, etc. So I do know my way around flash. I am a fairly decent designer, illustrator, css html ajax etc.
I am beginner AS3.
I have done some tutorials on building flash sites etc.
I figured the best way to learn is to pic a site I like and try to recreate it in flash, bit by bit.
So here is a site that I like http://www.32round.com/
Here is what I like (click in the projects link.)
1.) Full browser scroll bar ( I have found some tutorials on how to do this.)
2.) Each portfolio piece is build as a “component”
3) How would you pull the images in using xml database etc (as a wizz programmer mentioned that it would be best to do it this way)
4) Once you click on an image, it shows a fulll screen work.
So am I thinking of this the right way, ie is my approach right? Too complicated?
Anyways, any help direction is appreciated!