I just got done beating FF9 again! And I just wanna know which one is your favorite. Now we all know there are a lot of FF games to choose from. My all time favorite is of course Final Fantasy 9. 7 and 8 are great too, but 9 is just the best one! What do you think?
Obviously 6 is the best (3 in the US)
I’ve played 1 and 6-10. Though I haven’t played 5 and many who have played that say 5 is the best (has a job system like FF Tactics). 6 is by far the greatest characters, best story, best everything. Favorite RPG ever.
I had 1-5 on my computer at one time. I can’t say I loved them all that much. Im not a real fan of the NES and SNES Final Fantasys. I played them but never enough to really get into them.
Lol Jim,
We had a whole Final Fantasy Anymous Thread, which was all about FF and it’s fans.
Check it out.
Oh and Pat’s sleepin over
I know everyone loves the old school ones, but for some reason there is a big soft spot in my heart for Final Fantasy 7. I played them all, but for some reason, that one is my favorite.
Final Fantasy 7 but i like 4 alot too if only i could still play it
only have 4, 7, 10
6, 4, 7, 9, 10, 5, 8, 1 (never played 2 or 3)
They all rocked, but good lord. SNES was the greatest console RPG system of all time. Chrono Trigger!!! Secret of Mana? Come on. PSX’s best RPG’s were Xenogears, Valkyrie Profile and FF7. Everything else was just a bunch of imitations (except for a few maybe… like star ocean).
The only one I haven’t played is III - I’ve got all the others on PS1/2. But after all of them, it’s still VII (the first one I played) that is the game I judge them all by.
X and X-2 are graphically beautiful, but a little too linear. IX was very enjoyable, a bit more fun and lighthearted than the earlier games. VIII was complex. I didn’t much care for it at first, but once I got into it then I realised what a great game it was. Same with VI. The earlier ones are all good too…
I think where Square get it right is having characters that you enjoy playing, and hugely in depth stories and plots. I’ve spent years of my life playing their games (I am officially Square-Enix’s b1tch )…
I have 7 to X-2, and of those my fav is 7 and 9… 9 mostly because of the cartoony look of it gotta love that…
I never played XI, 'cuz I’m too cheap to shell out for the fees… :sure:
can’t wait to see FFXII :drool:
or the future FF’s on the PS3 :drool::drool:
Yeah IX is the best Eilsoe! I can’t wait for XII either! looks like IX just better (Although the main character looks alittle wussy)
Id have to say 7 its the first game that got me into playing RPGs too bad there aint many other RPGs as good as this game, i loved the story and the characters especially sephiroth bad guys rule :thumb:
I would have to agree with FF6(3). The characters and the stories pulled me in moreso than the others. I have a special place in my heart for FF4(2) as well. The SNES was amazing for RPGs, I think I own every US square released RPG for it. Ironically, the only newer FF game I got into was 7. I’ve also been meaning to play through 10 but I just haven’t gotten to it.
I didn’t like 10, as much as any other FF out there. It just didn’t “tickle my fantasies”
Well I think everyone should give every Final Fantasy a try. I remember when grinch first got FFVII he wasn’t a big fan of the graphics nor the story, but now that he’s further it’s his favorite. I didn’t think I was gonna like X but I played it and it isn’t too bad. So you never know if you are gonna like something!
WOOOOOO MY 100TH POST!!! lol I know that seems like nothing to all the Kirupa veterans, but hey it’s a start right?! lol