Whats everyone here’s favorite console game? All I have right now is PS2, so I’ll start off by telling you all mine. It’s JakX, that new racing/fighting game. Its really sweet and adds a whole twist to the series while keeping the story and everything fun. Definitely check this one out.
Oblivion (It shows the true potential of the Xbox 360, but far better for PC).
[whisper]never owned a console in my life[/whisper]
oh and Secret of Mana 2. That game rocked!
I feel obligated to say Burnout Revenge because it’s my most expensive game at 60 dollars and it’s for my brand spanking new xbox360 which also decided to quit working along with every other electronic peice of crap I own. But I’d have to say Guitar Hero or Super Mario Bros 3 would have to be my favorite.
Super Mario Brothers…
^and i thought nokrev didn’t play games
Final Fantasy Series for the Playstation. Still waiting for XII to reach the Philippines though. Wish i could go to Japan and buy a japanese copy:)
Halo 2. Never played it on XBOX much but it was the most fun I ever had on a console.
GOD OF WAR takes the cake for me.
It’s between Halo and Goldeneye… hmmm.
ummmm, halo, burnout revenge or super smash bro’s
Perfect Dark all the way, best multiplayer ever!
Right now would have to be Oblivion - :love:
oldschool favorite - orcania of time.
I hate consoles, i’m a PC gamer, everythings better on a PC.
Goldeneye was awesome tho.
Then how did you play it?
It’d have to be Legend of Zelda or Halo for me … both have been very fun and great games!
Final Fantasy, Final Fantasy 3 (US), Chrono Trigger, Contra, Altered Beast… annnnnd PONG!
CS:S for PC. super mario kart…thats right.
God of War was certianly an interesting game, but I wouldnt say it was deep enough to truely be my favorite.
Disgaea. I know, I’m weird. I have alot of favorites, to choose just one wouldn’t be right…
Oh man, I forgot about FF … ok I change mine from Zelda to FF VII!! Best game ever!
Wah!? VII was terrible! VI was good and I didnt play much of VIII so my favy would be IX
Zone of The Enders - The 2nd Runner