Which logo?

which logo?? doing a logo for a construction company in NC and wanted to know which one ya’ll like.

thnx in advance

well…I seem to be having some issues attaching the logos to the message…any suggestions? it says upload error but does not specify what the problem is. the format is .jpg

there we go

#1 for sure.


Hi there,

My opinion would be that the circle logo is the stylish one, but i cannot tell what that logo is to represent (maybe i’m missing the point or it simply is a random thing).

With the buildings-logo i get a good impression that it has to do something with a city or buildings or a construction kind of thing. That’s what i thought first before i read what it was for actually.

So i say: The buildings one :wink:

keep it up

I’d go for the first one!

It looks much smoother and more dynamic to me. The second one is a bit too massive in my eyes. Furthermore I like the round edges of the first image better than the square ones of the second.

Good work!

Yes the first one looks more stylish, but you have to keep in mind what the logo is to represent.

With the first logo i think it has more something to do with electronics or computers than constructions.

The first one does look better, but doesn’t suit the target audience well imo.
Something you always have to keep in mind :wink:

You hit it on the head ChirreD . I agree. perhaps use the 2nd logo, and try to create the same elegant styling of the first. {I prefer the simplistic visual lines of the first though} You have a good eye for balance. cant wait to see more variations:).pixi.

#1. its great, but you need color!!

wow! incredible. thank you all so much for the input. I never expected such a quick response. I felt the first one definitely had a more stylish feel to it, but at the same time I agree with what ChirreD said about keeping in mind the way it suits the business at hand. I’m going to propose the first one and if they say they want something that more clearly says ‘‘construction’’, perhaps I will propose the second one. either way, I really appreciate the responses.

1 :slight_smile:

when i see circles and roundness, i don’t think of construction. #2 it is.

1, more logoie, the second one is so contruction typical. Just see what the client likes :wink:

yeah I vote for 1…2 seems very crowded. I agree, you can add some color. but simple is good too

blend the concept of 2 with style of 1…

colour is secondary when building logos… must always look good in b/w as well… so work with b/w first then add colour later…

I like number 2 better, I just wish it wasn’t so harsh. The size might have something to do with that. Try lightening up the buildings a little, or making them different shades of grey.

Also, number 1 doesn’t have a “tm” on it. :wink:

Well first post by me hooray or something…

Anyway yeah the first one is heaps stylish and pro but it doesn’t say construction to me… the second one i like but that also says out my eyes…

my suggestion would be to 1 mix the two together like stick with concept one but somehow put the buildings in there like maybe on the C or around the circle…

  1. go with the second one but maybe space it out a bit or give the lower text and lighter colour maybe the same colour as the buildings… its just a bit too in your face…

They’re both really awesome designs though… just have a look at them and see what you think of when you look at them… do you think professional construction company or something else…

Thats my input… take it as you please

2 :slight_smile: with color that is

2-1 = 1 go for 1 it rocks
yeah choose 1111111 :slight_smile:

I agree with a lot others in here. Deff nr1, but if you could make something on it making it represent that you’re a contruction company that would be great. Maybe a building in construction behind the circle or something.