Which Vid card should i get!

Hey all, you might of remembered i posted a thread a while back, asking the same question. Well i never ended up getting a new video card, still using a Geforce 2 MX 400 !!!:!:

So i thought this craziness has gone too far :stuck_out_tongue: , and i m going to buy a new card, the question:


the problem:

I want a nvidia card, and the geforce fx series just came out for purchase, I can get a Geforce Fx 5600 or Just get a Geforce 4 Ti 4800, the Ti 4800 is better but is of older technology than the fx card , so i’m kinda puzzled here. Should i wait for the 5900 and pay a arm and leg for it??

:: and whats the diff with Non ultra and ultra?? Are they better editions of the card?

Well, it depends on how much perdormance you want. If you play games a lot, I suggest go for the most expensive, fast card you can get. It may cost a lot, but it’s well worth it. If you’re not into gaming that much, I suggest you go for the Ti 4800. And don’t worry, it’s still fast enough to run every game smooth.

And if you want great quality, buy a Matrox. They’re famous for their quality.

[EDIT]And yes, the Ultra versions are boosted versions.[/EDIT]

cough ATI Radeon 9800 Pro cough


hehe, i was waiting for someone to say Radeon :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes i know they are good, and yes some think they are better than nvidia at the moment, BUT i have been using nvidia since i switched from my Voodoo 2 card, so i would only feel comfortable with a nvidia card.

::: What i need the card for !::

:: Most important, a card that can handle high resolutions in all 2d design apps /webdesign apps, photoshop, illustrator , flash ect… Most cards can do this anyway.

:: A card that allows games to look good and play well /smooth.

:: Ability to handle complex models in 3d apps. (such as maya)

:: And the most performance i can get for the money i spend, (hehehe, dont we all look for this one )

either the new FX or the highest radeon. if you want the least compatibility issues, go with nVidia’s card. I know of some programs and games that can’t use the Radeon, or are buggy with the card.

so you think the new FX 5900 Ultra ? Might be too expensive , when its available for purchase. its still not out to buy yet at the local market here in australia. i was thinking of spending about $350 (american) so about $580 (australian).

well, you don’t necessarily have to get the highest model right now. i have a ti-4600 and it’s great. all my games run fine, my 3D programs do too (but you also have to consider your processor as well, if you don’t have a fast processor to handle the fast video card, it’s pointless to get the fastest card out there).

*Originally posted by thoriphes *
**but you also have to consider your processor as well, if you don’t have a fast processor to handle the fast video card, it’s pointless to get the fastest card out there). **

Totally agree , i know what you mean, my computer is bottlenecked by the video card.

iam running a p4 2.4 (533 fsb)
DDR 333 motherboard gigabyte
1 gig DDR (333) ram
and a old geforce mx 2 ‘400’

See what i mean by bottleneck!

scary though, it still works perfectly fine!! for almost a good 4 years.!!

Yeah, like thor mentioned, a good graphics card is only as good as the processor/ram/mobo, etc. I have been using an nVidia for the past 5 years or so, and I too like them. Their drivers are so much easier to install without having to format/uninstall old drivers like you probably would do for ATI. Also, if you are considering a GF FX, make sure you have extra slots open because the card takes up two slots inside your PC.

EDIT: Just read your most recent post; definitely change the card :slight_smile:

Kirupa :alien:

*Originally posted by kirupa *
**EDIT: Just read your most recent post; definitely change the card :slight_smile:

Kirupa :alien: **

LOL, :stuck_out_tongue:

my computer has the available slots and all, its all up to prices and availability.

whoa, soulty that’s a nice system. a new video card will definitely run fine. do P4s really run on that high a bus these days? i know that AMD only has a handful of 400 FSBs out today. i was always an avid AMD fan, Intel just makes their chips so expensive these days.

iam running a p4 2.4 (533 fsb)
DDR 333 motherboard gigabyte
1 gig DDR (333) ram
and a old geforce mx 2 ‘400’

Trust me, that ain’t no bottleneck system ! O, I’d give for such a system :-\ Too bad I don’t have the money right now.

the old geforce card is the bottleneck, everything else runs fine :slight_smile:
Thats probably why my geforce card is still alive , it get some support from the rest of the system.

Thor: yeah expensive, but worth it, spent about 800 just on motherboard, cpu and ram, half the ram that is. then add 200 for the total gig. so all up 1 grand. I ve had this system for about a year now, actually a year and a half.

::all australian $ by the way

Just to give you something to guage against.

I have a P4 2.0 Ghz, 400 Mhz Fsb, 512 mb Ram with a Geforce 3 Ti500 video card (I think it’s one of the best 64 mb cards out there). I don’t play that many games, but I do have a few. I can max out the graphic settings for GTA III, NBA Live 2003, and GTA Vice City and they all run like butter.

So with that said, I would probably go with a GeForce 4 Ti series…it should have you set for a good three years at least. The newest technology (like the fx cards) is always way overpriced.

hope this helps :slight_smile:


Yep, my mind is made up, got some prices from an australian store http://www.computertarget.com.au/

going to get the ti 4600 or 4800, it’s the same card, just x8 agp on the 4800 , if i can find the 4600 ill get that because i dont have a 8x motherboard, but dosent look like they are available anymore.

Computer target prices:

Winfast A280-TD (GeForce4-Ti4800/128MB DDR/MyVIVO) :: $355($aus)

512 DDR (2700) ::

Kingmax :: $125($aus)

Kingston :: $145($aus)

the old geforce card is the bottleneck, everything else runs fine :slight_smile:

I know, but didn’t see that as the bottleneck since you’re going to change it.