Which Vid Card Part 2

Bad news, went to buy my new video card today, and walking around the market i could only find geforce ti 4200 and geforce ti 4800SE. Now this sucks. I wanted the 4800 not the 4800SE , the 4800SE is actually a 8x AGP of the ti 4400. They have stop selling the ti4600 or the proper ti4800 because of the release of the FX5600 and FX5200, both are slower than the Ti4800.

Hmmmm :angry:

So i thought it over and going to put that money aside, add some to it every week. and wait till the FX5900 ultra comes out, i know at the start it will cost almost 1000(aus$), but ill wait till its at least about 600-700. Might even wait till its cheaper, i figure if i have got far with this geforce 2 mx, then might as well use it till it blows up! :stuck_out_tongue:


You and I both with that lamer geforce 2 mx…

you know, the radeon 9800 pro 256 megs has received rave reviews.

One of my machines has the 9800 and the other has a LeadTek Winfast a250 Ultra blah blah blah… 128 megs.

They are both real decent cards.

yeah…i hear the top-o-the-line ati outperforms the top-o-the-line nvidia card in almost every category.

just something to think about (I still like nvidia).
