Which would you rather be?

This is a question I’ve actually been asking myself for quite some time. In reality I need to focus on either programming or art (as something I do in my free time) but I can’t bring myself to decide. I’m not that good at either :sigh:.

Which would you rather be: A skilled artist or a skilled programmer? And why? :slight_smile:


Depends, some people aren’t natural at art and others aren’t good with math.

Why not do both?

lol… I am currently doing both until I decide because there are so many things that interest me in both programming and art. However, I’m torn between them.

Anyway, neither of you guys answered the question :stuck_out_tongue: (you never said which you would rather be: Skilled at art or skilled at programming [imagine you <b>have</b> to choose one]).

I suck at both, I don’t have to choose :thumb:

Im with teleknesis, I suck at both.
But if I could, Id choose art.

I think that if I <b>had</b> to choose one, it would be art because unlike programming, art allows me to express myself more. Programming just helps stretch my mind first thing in the morning ;).

I like both too :slight_smile: But i’d probably just art

Art baby :azn:

a pro programmer!

well if I could be a successful artist, the artist. Othewise, the programmer. The fact that you may be a good artist doesnt mean you’re successful - at least not during your lifetime. Think of all the famous skilled artists who only got the recognition they deserved after they died. I wouldnt want that, Id rather be a good programmer since then I think Id have a better chance at a career or atleast be able to make my own liittle apps I could sell on the net and be famous for :sigh:


Skilled Programmer definitely.

EDIT: What sen said! Your career options are greater for a programmer than they are for an artist.

artist - if you can do incredible beautiful ****, you’ll find programmer that’d help you out for sure! :beam: