This is a question I’ve actually been asking myself for quite some time. In reality I need to focus on either programming or art (as something I do in my free time) but I can’t bring myself to decide. I’m not that good at either :sigh:.
Which would you rather be: A skilled artist or a skilled programmer? And why?
lol… I am currently doing both until I decide because there are so many things that interest me in both programming and art. However, I’m torn between them.
Anyway, neither of you guys answered the question (you never said which you would rather be: Skilled at art or skilled at programming [imagine you <b>have</b> to choose one]).
I think that if I <b>had</b> to choose one, it would be art because unlike programming, art allows me to express myself more. Programming just helps stretch my mind first thing in the morning ;).
well if I could be a successful artist, the artist. Othewise, the programmer. The fact that you may be a good artist doesnt mean you’re successful - at least not during your lifetime. Think of all the famous skilled artists who only got the recognition they deserved after they died. I wouldnt want that, Id rather be a good programmer since then I think Id have a better chance at a career or atleast be able to make my own liittle apps I could sell on the net and be famous for :sigh: