Are You a Designer or a Programmer?

for me designing is 80%, and programming is 20%
basicly i’m more of a designer.

i’m interested in knowing what you like more :slight_smile:

I guess I’m more like 90% designer and 10% programmer… I think… :sure:

90 % Designer/Animator here, although i have done software & web developments 4 year degree, by the time it ended i found myself good at hardware and very good at webdesign and really no interest in programming…it makes me sleepy :yawn: <wonder if we hav a smily for that, anywayz 4 yrs wasted for me, i hate to do programming, sply on mx 2004…does anyone feel flash 5 AS window was more helpful then mx or 2004??

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Hey whats up eilsoe, long time no see…hope its still going smoke free :stuck_out_tongue:

& who said, right in the middle :-s

ahh me 90% designer 10% progammer, but would like to make it 50-50

90% programmer 1% designer (9% goof-off). The funny thing is my degree is in Art :stuck_out_tongue:

Nah sen, you’re 100% SUPER EVIL GENIUS!

(chants)the njs and the ralucones!(/chants)


for me, I’m much more of a programmer.

I’m 50/50 - I build what I design. :slight_smile:

90% designer the rest is finding the code and changing it enough to make it work for the design. Only thing even close to programming I know is being able to hand code HTML.

I completely suck at design, programmer here :crazy:

99% designer… i dont think ive ever done anything innovative with programming! i just alter tutorial scripts! but hey im not going to make a living from it so…

last thing i programmed was beam theory equations in C! and it put me off for life…:lol:

I think I’m right in the middle. If I ever look at a tutorial, it to see the thinking behind the code, and I won’t copy/paste it. I also have a relatively large amount of code that I know how to use but have no use for it at the moment.

75% Design 25% programmer.

Senocular is 100% AS GOD thats what he is, as for me id say im 50/50 cause like Kitty i program what i desing and i despise templates, components and other whatnot thats already premade oh and i also despise the people that actually call themselves a programmer/developer/artist using all things that are premade.

Bunch o lamer F@gs.

Sorry kids had to get that offa my chest :wink:

Hey Grim, tell us how you really feel!

I am about 80% Designer and 20% Programmer. That 20% is a modest guess as well as most of that is AS in Flash.

didnt i just do that???

Ok in terms of the things i do and design i consider myself 50/50 now when it comes to edit something especially AS that someone else did then i would be 90% designer and 10% programmer oh and i only know a little AS and html those are the only 2 programming languages i know i think lol

Looking at that footer, I wouldn’t talk??

I like to think that I’m good at both. Oh well, more of a programmer though… I think.

I’m somewhere in the middle :slight_smile:

60% artist type thing 39% designer 1% programmer

i wish i could deal with coding but my brain just doesnt like it!