White backgrounds

I keep trying to learn 3ds max, but I just get started, then have to get on a project again…

huge learning curve there.


Fireworks has png 32. Plus its matte controls are better than PS for that file type. So in effect Rev is correct with your image probs. Plus I find that PS png’s are lossy compared to FW png’s.

I do agree with rev. Sin you should take a lil time and learn FW. It will change the way you do alot of things. But I do understand learning new things are hard when you have other work. That is why I sacrifice sleep :beam:

Also max would be cool to learn. I am using AE for my new site. AE is heellllllaaa fun.

Why don’t you just marry fireworks rev ;). I’m a PS guy myself, save for web is all I need :thumb:. Sometimes I’ll use Fireworks if I need to do some image splitting etc though, I never got into Image Ready much…

oh yeah if you do not use FW,FMX and DW together you are missing out on a big time feature. “Round Trip Editting” big time, time saver once you start doing this you will always do t.

but can you really produce the same stuff with fireworks that you can with photoshop?? Have any examples?

*Originally posted by APDesign *
**Why don’t you just marry fireworks rev ;). I’m a PS guy myself, save for web is all I need :thumb:. Sometimes I’ll use Fireworks if I need to do some image splitting etc though, I never got into Image Ready much… **

same could be said for you as well…

why don’t you just marry adobe, too bad LiveMotion went South… :wink:


*Originally posted by APDesign *
**but can you really produce the same stuff with fireworks that you can with photoshop?? Have any examples? **

go to http://aulman.com

check out the links on my site.

anything you see on there was produced with Fireworks

very little, if any, PS was used.


Hey, I’m obviously a flash fan, and I use dreamweaver… I just like my photoshop :thumb:

Here is a boxster I whipped up in FW ( it is all paths and gradients). You do not have the path controls in PS that you do in FW to do vector graphics. Keep in mind that the 2 apps are not the same type of app. PS was always intended to be a more post production. Although FW boasts some new photo edit features I would not consider them the same type of app.

PS my illustrator version of this is much better but you get the point. It would take you a month of sundays to reproduce the kind of vector art I do in FW with PS.

here is a best way to sum them…They both have abilities the other cannot do or is extremely hard to do. So they compliment each other. It is nice to have them both. If you are a web guy and had to have one. I would say FW. If I was mainly a graphics guy I would say PS. Although I can pull off some cool stuff with PSP7.

hey rev your site did not load for me.

*Originally posted by DDD *
**hey rev your site did not load for me. **

we are trying to find out why the pipe coming in to my server is so slow…

hopefully it will be better soon.


nice DDD, a vector like that would be very hard to produce in Photoshop… looks like I’m going to have to investigate FW a little bit more. :wink: