Wow EG

Heh, I’ve noticed that you now have a black belt in karate EG :slight_smile:
Are there any other martial arts secret that you havn’t told us about?

I got a [COLOR=GREEN]gree[/COLOR][COLOR=RED]n[/COLOR] one, with one red ‘intergrade’ :beam: Hey EG, what style do you practice ?

marrf i stopped at green belt - made me feel like a dancer in a white kimono…
doing kickboxing now… much better :beam:

I stopped at brown belt - had to move and go to a city that did not have the same style (Wado Ryu) that I had trained in for so long :slight_smile: I’m glad though, for I didn’t particularly enjoy martial arts.

Kirupa C:-)

Aaah, that’s too bad. Having to quit right before black belt :(.

im red belt in Kung Fu :slight_smile:

wanna fight?


just some more months before i turn black (i hope)
then i can compete with jackie chan or something, or pick a fight with jet li :stuck_out_tongue:

I don’t like banging my head and this stuff. But I’m good in cs (bad alternative), wanna fight ?!

Hiya! I’m a white belt!

I got a couple of belts in Shotokan karate. :slight_smile:

i have a white one in Flash! =)

I’m a black belt in drunken street boxing.

*Originally posted by NaliWarCowZ *
**I’m a black belt in drunken street boxing. **

hah hah! funny :thumb:

In which order are these belts (worst->best) ? I wanna know what I have in counter-strike?

I used to do karate when I was diddy. Then more recently, Wing Chun kung fu. Which is good, beecause they teach you how to defend yourself again real-life/realistic kinds of attacks. unfortunately it got too expensive. but it did wonders for my stomach! :wink:

imo, karate is much good self-defence-wise. good for fitness though :slight_smile:

Syko: the belt varies quite a lot methinks

Just as Kit, I practice Shotokan : the belts are as follows:

[COLOR=silver]White[/COLOR], [COLOR=YELLOW]Yellow[/COLOR], [COLOR=orange]Orange[/COLOR], [COLOR=green]Green[/COLOR], [COLOR=blue]Blue[/COLOR], [COLOR=sienna]Brown[/COLOR], Black, 1st dan, 2nd dan, 3rd dan, … until 5th or 6th dan, not sure.

First degree black belt in shotokan karate and green in Tae Kwon Do.

I have a gold threaded belt in pro boredom…

I have a black belt in burger Flipping from McDonald’s do-Dea-Kwon

*Originally posted by Jubba *
**I have a black belt in burger Flipping from McDonald’s do-Dea-Kwon **

LOL, that style sounds good, makes me hungry. :stuck_out_tongue:

LOL Jubba :stuck_out_tongue: