Whooheee! My New Laptop

Hey all!

Something came in the mail (Well, Fedex) from California that just made my day! I ordered a Asus G1s laptop from ExcaliberPC on Monday…

WOHHOHOHOOEEEEEEEEE!!! Okay, now that that’s out, here’s some pictures of it… mhmmm (Mind my horrible camera skills)

Anyway, bought this baby to play obviously games (CS:S, Medieval 2 to name a few), and then also be able to function as a portable media center, as well as something I could stare at for hours without going blind while doing Web work… So far, I’m extremely pleased. The screen is bright, the resolution can go higher than my desktop. Also, the GPU (8600 GT) kicks the living daylights out of my desktop GPU as well (GeForce 6600)…

Probably the one downside to this whole thing is Vista… So far its okay, not great. I don’t see a great reason for me to stay on Vista other than the fact that installing XP is such a pain in the *** since it can’t detect SATA drives or something like that. But, the new shiny graphics do blend in well to the whole laptop’s theme anyhow.

My verdict is how can one resist the shinyness of the cover… its mesmerizing!