
I saw this site today, and I thought it had an incredible interface/design.

What do you guys think?


Wow - I have never heard of this site before, thanks!

hehehe, this is a good site though :slight_smile:

hahaha, that’s awesome Vepr :beam:

hehe yeah, i love that pic!

the sarcasm tag was outdone by some clip art… :slight_smile:

Nice pic, I’m stealing that one!

Me too :stuck_out_tongue:

OMG !! The pictures from the site were Vepr got them from are soo friggin’ funny !! :P:P:P

i like that pic!
yeah man, that site is awesome! you ever hear those celebrity pranks calls? the have the soundboards for all of them and more, videos, flash, funny images… whole bunch of funny stuff!:thumb:

Can you umm share the wealth? I wanna know where you’re getting this stuff.


The link is right underneath it!! :sure:

Well, sorry, I hadn’t seen it before.

hey dude - we’re just playing around, your right - this is a great link :slight_smile:

Just being smart***'s is all :wink: No harm intended!