Some of the old smilies are blurry, but others aren’t. Let’s figure out what is going on here
Found it! The forum software resizes all emojis to be 20 pixels tall. All of the newer images are downsampled to this size, so that’s not a problem. All of the old emojis were natively created at 18x18 and other varying sizes. If I re-generate those images to be 20x20 with the appropriate pixels of padding to make up for the white space, I think that should solve this blurriness problem.
Right now about 60% of those have been converted over:
Sounds familiar…
Thanks for the thorough investigation! Glad they’re back to looking great.
Cool. Wasn’t there a big thumb smiley (or am I misremembering (thumb2 maybe))? I tried finding the old forum to try and find it - how long ago did that disappear I thought it was still around somewhere?
Ooh thumb2 was a good one. So was hoser (it I may say so myself).
Those will be coming back really soon! They were oddly sized and my knowledge of Photoshop Actions is too limited to automate those. There about 60-ish more smileys that will need to be brought back, and they currently live in a todo folder