Why cant i say f*ck anymore?

and you never know when little ones might pop in here and read through the fourms.:stuck_out_tongue:

yeah but I just realized that now the forum filters out my last nameā€¦

Jeff E****

HAHA thats funnyā€¦

this whole censorship thing is stupid. everybody is old enough here to say what they want to say. iā€™m sorry if youā€™re some thirteen year old little **** but you probably hear this kind of verbage everyday in school. oh and 13 year olds these days bring guns to school and do drugs so i donā€™t think anyone is going to get too much more corrupted if i say ****.

what phil?
I havenā€™t said anything recently eitherā€¦

*Originally posted by senocular *
**it just did, twice! **** tracy is a great comic legend! You can never have enough ****. Sometimes its a little unreal how **** never gets blown away, only the bad guys. Thats **** for ya!

ā€¦ lest us forget not all the ****insons out there **

hahaahahha, you are hilarious. i wish i was like **** tracy.

personally, I come here to get help, and to help others out. The
last thing I want is to read curse words in between getting that
help. And I certainly donā€™t think itā€™s appropriate for me to do the
same to someone else.

Iā€™m quite thankful that Kirupa has done this, because Iā€™m a proud
member of such a professional and helpful board. I avoid other
boards for this, and if spewing off at the mouth is your interest,
then Iā€™m 100% agreed that you need to be hanging out at
another board.


phil, im confused
i forgot what we were talking about
i quit

:pope: --pope

*Originally posted by pinx *
**this whole censorship thing is stupid. everybody is old enough here to say what they want to say. iā€™m sorry if youā€™re some thirteen year old little **** but you probably hear this kind of verbage everyday in school. oh and 13 year olds these days bring guns to school and do drugs so i donā€™t think anyone is going to get too much more corrupted if i say ****. **

first, im 16. and i beleve that in such a professional environment
it is not necessary and should not be alowed. like i said earlyer. what happens if a 10 year old comes in? or younger?

Testing 1-2-3ā€¦

I have a friend named S. ****erson, he never liked
President ā€œtricky ****ā€ Nixon
He thought that he was a ****

see **** run, run **** run

In th UK there is a desert called ā€œspotted ****ā€

When my son was small he couldnā€™t pronounce ā€˜rediculousā€™ - instead he would say, " donā€™t be ****less"

even tho I would hardly use the word **** in a legitimate fashion ā€¦ it could happenā€¦ O~wellā€¦

ā€¦now see what youā€™ve startedā€¦ :!:

inEdit: I shouldā€™ve known better than to use ā€˜*ā€™ surrounding a bleeped word

i totaly agree with phil.

non- sewaring provides a better workplace.:slight_smile:

ditto Phill

This is a learning environment. We have fun here, but if your canā€™t control your @^%#ing language, go @#% yourself.

Thatā€™s with it Alex.

Iā€™m new here and where ever I post these days no one swears. Thereā€™s no need for it.

Whoever wants to express themselves in a way that symbolises something completely different to what they are expressing has lost touch of the power of analogy and got lost in the tide of repetive words.

Obviously, loads of under 13s or whatever are swearing and hear swearing all the time, I know from the background where Iā€™m coming from this was the the absolute norm. But what is the point going on like this here.

Iā€™m sure we can express ourselves a lot more creatily than that.

Thanks Philā€¦

I had this comeback planned, but then you reminded me not to start anything. I appreciate that :slight_smile:

:sigh: ā€¦tis a small price to payā€¦

I agree also ā€¦ even tho the odd expletive here-n-there is no big whoop, if allowed, some yahoos would pollute the threads with every other word being a bunch - o - Garbage`

If you really feeeel the neeeedā€¦use PsuedoCursage

[shoot, darn, fark, phreakinā€™, etc.]

most of the flavor~half the guilt and offense :wink:

ā€¦oh and philā€¦ in case you havenā€™t really read my post, it was more toungue in cheek than anything else

instead of saying &%&# cant we just say fork. or for ^%^& we could ssay shiznit?:stuck_out_tongue:

*Originally posted by UNFLUX *
**personally, I come here to get help, and to help others out. The
last thing I want is to read curse words in between getting that
help. And I certainly donā€™t think itā€™s appropriate for me to do the
same to someone else.

Iā€™m quite thankful that Kirupa has done this, because Iā€™m a proud
member of such a professional and helpful board. I avoid other
boards for this, and if spewing off at the mouth is your interest,
then Iā€™m 100% agreed that you need to be hanging out at
another board.

:goatee: **

i go to the flash mx board to get help. but in the random board, i donā€™t exactly look for tutorials.

*Originally posted by Phil Jayhan *
**Pinx- et al

With all due respect, let this issue die. Nothing is going to be changed by it; It is Kirupaā€™s choice. There are choices Kirupa lets us make as Mods on our own, and others that are his domain. This one is completely in Kirupaā€™s Domain and if you have a serious issue with it, take it up with Kirupa, either in a separate post or privately. (prefferred)

At this point this is not profitable to go on and on about. It is what it is, and I would like to see the issue die, or for you to talk to Kirupa about it privately. Ultimately it is only Kirupa that can change anything in this area anyways, so it would be best to take it up with him privately, IMO.

No hard pheelings,
but let it go-

pj :stuck_out_tongue: **

profitable?? i donā€™t think weā€™re making any money here buddy.

i think he means that its a place for learning, and shouldnt be used as a place to use profanity(sp?)

and to just let this thread die out.

LOL, you people are hilarious - there should be a whole sitcom on the conversations some of us have here. Some names could be Philfield, EveryBody Loves Raydred, Whose Spam Is it Anyway,ā€¦ =)

Kirupa :rambo: