Why did the chicken cross the road?

why did the chicken cross the road?
he was following the egg.

no one is even going to argue this? :frowning: ah well… I was hoping to lead into my diatrab on which came first. :stuck_out_tongue:

well, thats exactly why I didn’t say anything, and I was hoping no one else did either. :slight_smile: :stuck_out_tongue:

what do you think came first david?

That would depend on one’s belief in creationism, or chance.

A creationist can really answer either, but the more likely answer would be the chicken.
An evolutionist would have to say the egg.

I’m with the egg myself, the reason being:
A chicken, by definition of it’s species must come from an egg. However, if one believes in evolution as I do, a chick, in an egg could be created by a creature which is not quite a chicken (but obviously very similar)

Since I cannot disprove the concept that a god created the chicken as is, I cannot likewise disprove that the chicken did not come first. I have faith in the fact that the egg came first though.

I thought my joke of why did the chicken cross the road, though, was very philosophical. It just came to me… but I’ll definitely be using it again in the future. It’s one of those jokes that’s only funny to people like me. I like that type of joke. :slight_smile:

i stayed away from that on purpose…dont ruin my wonderful chicken crossing road thread with philisophical gobbledy gook!!

[SIZE=1]the chicken came first[/SIZE]

Though I suppose that if we are talking about any chicken… it must come from an unfertilized egg to begin with. The egg is created, and prepared to drop by the female without any fertilization necessary. It is not a chicken at that point, nor will it ever be. The egg is fertilized and then a chicken forms inside it.

That is something even creationists cannot argue with, since we can actually see the process occur.

So I guess that I can prove that the egg came first… as long as we are not talking about the very first chicken… which I doubt anyone was around to see.

Why did the dead baby cross the road?
He was stapled to the back of the chicken.

why was david lying on the ground bleeding?

cuz i shot him =)

now… that’s not nice. :slight_smile:

what happened when david tried to save the baby stapled to the back of the chicken crossing the road?

he was hit by a “Mak Truck”

lol get it?? :moustache

i’m a nice guy, really I AM

Why would I try to save it. I was the one what stapled it there. :stuck_out_tongue:

:scream: I KNEW IT!! :scream:

calls Peta

Peta arrests david and locks him in a chicken house

phil: your joke lacks humour

:stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: j/k…

my :love: for your humour has faltered

my new idol is david

i hope he enjoys living in taht chicken house

it suits him :stuck_out_tongue: j/k

WHY AREN"T YOU PERFECT PHIL!!! I HATE YOU NOw :bad: :scream: :scream:

i’ll get the sauce, you get rev

we will be cooking dave TONIGHT!

BWAHAHAHAHHA :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

why did Phill and Mac puke after eating david?

probebly has something to do with all the crap he’s eaten and or smoked over the last 2 decades.

I’m sure I’d taste terrible.

are the chicken in this coop Silkie’s? they are so soft and good for @%#ing. Oops… I guess there’s another call going out to PETA. :stuck_out_tongue:

!! :!: i am speechless:!:

smack some sense into him phil

and plump him up good

he can’t discourage us to NOT eat him that easily…


ok, but be sure to leave me in the marinade for at least 24 hours. That three hour **** just doesn’t cut it. I know from experience.

Also please leave my brain and penis untouched. I really do need those for things. The rest is not too useful. Bon Apetite

understood and accepted

the penis control’s the brain so it is vital for operations

what will you do without a body?

will you be a penis-head for rest of your life??

*Originally posted by Phil Jayhan *
**I always leave the penis untouched…

:phil: huh phil :phil:

:x :x :stunned:




I didn’t read the thread, but makavalekialvalikavilaki is jealous of my low post count, and I don’t want that.

no doot a boot it.