Why do we still have the contest forum?

or the we could have a Flash/PHP intergration forum. or just add PHP to the JavaScript/HTML forum. that would be cool too!

yeah, and move all topics that subjects “serverside” to that Forum! we could have, Client Side and Server Side too!

Server Side
Integrate Flash with E-commerce, Search Engines, Database…

Client Side
For questions related to Javascript, DHTML or HTML. Send them in here.

did we forget flash remoting and flash communication server:

Flash MX - ServerSide
Flash MX Communication Server and Flash remoting to shared object discussions.

h 88. plz stop spamming! write full paragraphs with your ideas. i used to do what you are doing, untill dan started to delete my posts, so just be ready for the worst. other wise type big posts with all your ideas.

ohh, sorry, ill just edit my post now

oops! guess i overrid the submit button.

lol. it just makes things longer to read…

*Originally posted by mdipi.com *
**h 88. plz stop spamming! write full paragraphs with your ideas. i used to do what you are doing, untill dan started to delete my posts, so just be ready for the worst. other wise type big posts with all your ideas. **

My Target was not to spam, i was just copying and pasting the description from another forum post by post, ill never be a spammer and i dont like spammers!

Mdipi’s a pure bred Spamminator! :stuck_out_tongue:

*Originally posted by eilsoe *
**Mdipi’s a pure bred Spamminator! :stuck_out_tongue: **

lol, i knew that when he told me Dan used to delete his posts…Lol!

yeah, that and dan is always pissed at me…

mdipi, the only reason I get mad is because you try to take too much into your own hands. You are not a moderator, you can’t make rules or start something new in this forum without the consent of a moderator, hence you starting a voting thread when the rules say the moderators handle the battles.

yeah, i should have read the rules more carfully:o . like i said, sorry.

haha…right…speaking of new forums…how about a math physics forum? i know hella people like me who need help on that! :hat:

Why don’t we just come up with another contest for the contest forum.

I know I didn’t submit anything to the last one, but I’m certainly open to the idea of creating things for a new one. I just didn’t have anything creative for a grid. Plus, though I’ve got MX now, I was working with 5.0 then. I’m a little more excited to start trying out a lot of the coding I saw for that last one.


a physics forum sounds good
another contest sounds good
it all sounds good. :slight_smile:

That will really rocks when creating specific Flash and Actionscript Forums, Math and Physics is a good idea MakaVeli_Da_DoN, We also need newbies forum, and Server and Client side forums!


i would like to see a newbie forum. that way you could pick out ? for that are advanced or not, so you know what ones to answer. ya know? i dont know about a Math and Phyiscis, it does sound cool though…

Kirupa said he may consider it

sounds cool. but remember, do we REALLY want these forums to have so many topics one wont know where do post…

A newbie forum is a waste of space. They can post questions that have to deal with what they want in the section we have now.

As for Math and Physics, I like that idea… BUT, there aren’t too many people here that are strong in Math and Physics in Flash… I can think of a couple people (and I am not one of them), but a couple can’t cover a whole section.

Bit-101 has a section for that, and you are most likely going to get better help there for that area considering the Math geniuses there and stuff.

What about Server-Side Forums? and Flash comm, Remoting?