hi everyone…
I’ve just had an email from a client telling me that he’s just downloaded Safari ( A browser for the MAc OSX) and that he can’t view the flash I’ve placed on the site for him.
Now this is slightly worrying of course as he’s saying he’s dumping I.E. But anyway why would this happen…any ideas on the subject…I need help quick.
Yeah I’ve heard about Safari, it leaked from beta-testers some time ago. Maybe that’s why he can’t view the SWF’s, because it’s still in a beta version ? Or he doesn’t have the Flash Plugin
Safari is an official download from apple that can be had at Apple.com. In fact I am using safari now, and have viewed many flash sites with no problem. So you might want to check you <object> tag in your HTML and make sure it’s correct. IE will actually catch many HTML errors client side and resolve them, while most other browsers won’t do that. If that’s not that case he may have a bad install of safari or messed something up in the setup. Post the link so other people can test it for you.