Windows Media Player 10 is now available

hmm maybe i’m a bit late myself.

[edit] oh and I like the new interface :slight_smile:

[edit] and here’s the link

[edit] and it’s IPOD COMPATIBLE… woohoo

Wohoo! I posted a rumor on C&G yesterday about it, but I’m glad it did get released today. Downloading it right now. Here is what I got from some other message board:

The skin, which is mostly of a glassy-blue gradient has received many negative reactions as Microsoft seems to be ‘going blue’ on most of their recently released applications.
Going blue is the way to actually go :stuck_out_tongue:

indeed my friend Kirupa… indeed :smiley:

I like the new interface.

Pretty impressive for MS.

The glossy icon for the WMP looks really nice. I just noticed it :slight_smile:

oh it is… i like this better rather than that boring itunes

I prefer the look and features of iTunes.

Stupid me, I installed the beta about 1 hour before full was released.

When I click the download link, I can only download v9 :h:

Try that link. You should only see the link for WMP10.

dag winblows, i am running Win2kpro. so media player 10 isn’t in my future. :frowning: unless someon read something i didnt’)

Ah, there it is. Thanks :slight_smile:

Nope - it’s only for XP. I don’t think MS has plans for releasing a version for other Win OS’es.

I always do that kind of thing (I install the beta test/RC of something, and then the full product comes out the next day :P)

As for me, I think I’ll stick with MPlayer (for video) and [url=“”]Rhythmbox (for music).[url=“”]

this is way better than the beta :smiley:

The only difference I noticed was that I didn’t have to restart my comp after install.

i think its heaps faster aswell, i HAVE noticed that.

Arg!!! I downloaded the beta version like a week ago!!! Well i spose i should go and download wmp10 now - it will just take about a week on my dial up connection lol…

Ahhh the dreams of broad band - to bad i live in the country!!!

the energy bliss visualization is actually quite cool! finally, a wmp visualization that’s worth…visualizing.

Now, my eye’s are a little bit watery with the recent breakout of ragweed (joy, allergies) so it might just be me - but does this picture say “rip - bum - sync”?

(I’ll download and report on WMP10 later, I’m a tad busy at the moment)

hahahahahahaha good pick up there “Coppertop”

it made me laugh anyway…