Wip: aladdin trading and company

so i get this email from some guy in New York. he wants me to redo his website. i get a lot of these, but typically they are some kid who wants me to do it for free. anyway, i check out his site and it’s rather bland and boring ( http://www.aladdin-trading.com ).

i get his details - what he wants, what he likes, what he does, etc - and pitch him a price, also adding in that he should prolly’ let me redo his logo. at the time, it was because I wanted to go with a certain “old world” charm on the site, as if they were a trading company that had been around since the 1790s. after discussing this with him, he seemed enthusiastic, and I whipped up this logo:

this was not at all what he wanted. it was too “obvious”, and while he liked the look, he wanted something less representational, more like my own logo. so, I dug into my logo repository. yes, I have a repository of logos that are pretty much faceless, but cool, so they can be adapted to a client if he wants something that means nothing :wink:

so this is what I came up with. intially, my logotype was different (and better, I feel) but was enamored with a really lackluster logo at http://www.colette.com - so he loved the thinner font.

he wants strange things in his site, most of them contradictory to one another (a typical ailment of clients). he’s pitching to 35+ VPs of major food and beverage corporations, yet wanted something like http://www.funkymonkey.com. a great site, but really too “out there” to be a business site.

but, like funkymonkey, he wanted a “mascot” of sorts, so I was directed to look at the styling of sites like funkymonkey.com and simlar, but that he wanted “old world illustrations” of a man carrying bags onto a ship, or bartering with customers :?

so right now I have a couple of calls to illustrators out there for custom illustrations. in the interim I’ve used a temporary image. why this image, because, at funkymonkey, there’s a scene (anime-dream) with a starry night. he wants stars all over his website, possibly shooting back and forth, with a deep, rich, close to midnight blue background.

Oddly enough, he doesn’t want Flash, but all the sites he likes are heavily loaded with flash animations, menus, and layouts.

now I’ve got all this on my plate. he’s a business, and whether he knows it or not, the site he wants is not going to entice big food companies. but, i know that somewhere, within these conflicting concepts, there is a great site. a distinctive identity, that’s not too heavy, not too “corporate”, fun and still capable of instilling confidence in clients.

so far, this is what I have:

I am nowhere near done, i still have the main navigation (going up in the dark area at the top) to do, as well as the footer, and sidebar (most likely a calendar of events, since he’s big on pushing trade shows). I’m not sure about the picture of the earth, but we’ll see.

anyway, i’ll keep you updated as this project moves along :slight_smile:

So this morning when I sent the client the final design, he loved it. Said it was better than he had hoped.

Then tonight, however, he’d had some time to ruminate on the issue, and based on what he wanted changed, I created what’s below.

I just sent this to him, and am awaiting his reply.

looks great dude, will be nice to see it in action. :thumb:

have you decided if you are using flash for the nav? or at all?

edit:: i like the layout with the image of the guy and stars better also the background (first layout).

second one can work though. nice job either way. :slight_smile:

Great job! :thumb: Both of 'em look good, but I think your first instinct is better.

Yeah, the changes are SPECIFICALLY from him. The background, the image that’s missing, the little man at the bottom - all of it was very specific commentary from the client

Very very nice bleu, I love it. The boxes with the arrows look great, and the fonts and all that really seem to fit well together, nice job.

All of that discussion was moot, because my client decided he wanted to change everything. I mean everything. THis is where we’re at now:

The words" Opening up a world…" will roll like ticker tape. The little man at the bottom will be running around. And the mp3 player (the image I will be changing) will have notes coming out of it

And, lest you think I’m kidding about this being his decision, here’s the “drawing” he did of the layout he wanted.

Note that the bleutuna.com logo is NO longer at the bottom of the page :wink:

it’s thier company. they do know more than you. The sooner you realize that, and resign yourself to making the site they want, the less ulsers you will have…

I disagree, Rev. They know more about their personality, but they do not know more about design, about marketing, about HCI/UI, Information Architecture, or reaching their target audience as I do.

My goal is to give a company a website that makes them look bigger than they are, that will wow customers, and generate business. Something that hits their target audience, while also paying attention to what a client needs from the site.

When I’m “undercut” and micromanaged, I can’t do that. And I can’t be responsible for what the design looks like when it’s all said and done. It hurts my reputation as a designer.

When it comes to building working websites that can do their job, I know FAR more than the client ever will. Because that’s my job. That’s why they pay me :slight_smile:

What an a hole of a client! He is one screwed up mofo. If he knows so much then why doesn’t he design sites for a living.

I hope you’re charging this idiot for these changes. Charge him right up the ***!

EDIT: Wipe your butt with his drawing and give it back to him. lol

thats crazy :crazy:

From a top design at the start, to something that is somewhat ok (good thing you removed your logo at the bottom :wink: )

sorry to hear that this has happened, clients sometimes just do not know what they want. charge them and in the end they are usually limited by how much they want to spend which in turn limits the times they can change stuff.

:: this is the design/concept stage isn’t it? if so, then really i guess you can’t do much than just fix the changes, better now then after you implement the design to a website.

– by the way how many layouts did you orginally show the client?

One layout - that’s all he was willing to pay for. And, his reaction to that layout was phenomenal:

Looks fantastic. Better than I envisioned. I really like the layout. Everything is laid out clearly in big letters which I Iike a lot. It looks very professional with an artistic feel to it. Looks great and I’m really looking forward to see the final piece.

But then, 9 hours later, the changes started coming. Each change lead to another, until we’re at this point.

Bleutuna, I’m losing it! and he’s not even my client. lol

I’ve yet to have a client like that aside from my brother and I just tell him where to go! lol

Okay, so, I wrote him a DETAILED email about the project, how I would more than willingly do what he wanted, but that I felt that since he hired me for my skills and how he liked my work, he should trust my opinion more. He did. WIth a few changes (seen above) we should be good to go (he’ll only get one more revision, so la dee da anyway).

I like the original more (especially the bg), but I can deal with this. The illustration will change (I’ve got an illustrator working on that now) and the little man at the bottom right will change as well (again, Illustrator is working on that).

Good for you Bluetuna!

That must’ve been some tactful writing to your client. I’m sure in the end he will be very pleased with your work. I saw a bunch of screen shots of other sites you’ve done and I like you style.

Remember to post here again when the site is complete 'cause I’m especially interested in seeing it.

Unfortunately, my client decided that “Everything that’s orange should now be this particular shade of pink!!!”

Yea that is unfortunate. lol

I gotta say the orange held it together much better than the pink/purple/fuschia/narst arse color, but you managed to pull it off really well. It sucks that the client is… like that. You did A really fantastic job on it though, nice job!

great to see you get your way :wink:

whats with the pink, seriously think your client is colour blind or just really feminine.:flower:

Glad the design/layout is looking better. :slight_smile:

it still looks good, but i agree with Josh :wink: