WIP, Early Stages

How is this looking, I am making it for a Soldier of Fortune 2 Clan, they are paying me apx 50 USD. It will contain more, but this is just the layout. If you see a couple of bars, and a 00, that will be the preloader, but it is not functional yet. Plz give criticism on the colors, and the shapes and how it flows and whatnot. Also keep in mind that there will be more, and it isn’t functional now. The pic up top will be changed closer to the completion date as well.


EDIT: BTW, the majority of the target audience has 1024x786 or higher resolution.

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font down’t fit!

yeah, i had a different one, but the client wanted me to change it to that, so i guess… oh well, if it’s what he wants, i mean the client is always right, right? also, the background was a dark gray, and he wanted it black, imo it looked better the other way, but oh well.