Wireless Internet Quit Working

Max, the network doesn’t even show up in the list. Nothing is in the list. That’s the problem, it doesn’t see it at all.

Anyone else have any ideas? I’m getting desperate here.

Is your adapter USB or PCI? Either, rip it out, restart, shove it back in. Also, try to move it to a different position. Did you configure your router?

It’s pci. I don’t really feel like tearing up my laptop and breaking other stuff, I’d rather just have one broken peice of hardware for now. The router is configured as far as I know, I installed everything for it on this computer and all. I’ll see if I can figure out a way to get to the card though.
Thank yas =)

Ok…laptop, didn’t know that. Don’t touch it then. Meanwhile, goto Device Manager and disable the hardware, uninstall all the drivers for it, then re-enable the hardware and install fresh drivers. Also, have you thought of sitting next or on the router? :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m about 0 feet from it right now. The box says that I need a WEP key to access the network but I have no idea what that is or how to obtain it. Anyone have any clues on that one? Meanwhile I’m going to do what you said max and disable and what-not.

WEP key is the encryption, did you setup any before?

Nope, sure didn’t.

Mayyybbbeeee…small chance, but someone set one up so you can’t use it? Can you log into the router?

Unlikely :slight_smile: most routers use DHCP, making your IP impossible to screw up

Max, nope.

So I’m getting close to just reformatting and seeing if that fixes anything. Hopefully it does.

Well, if you feel a need for a format, or it’s about time, more power to you.

Formatting achieved nothing :thumb:
time to go flip out on the router people or the wireless card people or someone!

You know what would be funny? If there’s just a button you gota push and vowla. For 3 months I tried to fix my speakers only to find out it was on mute.

Good luck.

Haha, seriously? :stuck_out_tongue:

Maybe your wireless card is broken? Try taking your laptop to the nearest hotspot (in the US I believe Starbucks has them, but not too sure) and see if it picks up anything.

I’m going to try a friends house soon and if it doesn’t pick it up there at least I know it’s the card. The bad news is that it’s an internal card and it’s going to be a pain in the nether-regions getting it fixed.

You mentioned WEP encryption is enabled, you will not be able to to access your network w/ out the encryption key. Find out what kind of router you have then post back w/ the info.

have u downloaded latest firmware

I guess it’s a removable miniPci card. You can always get a new one, and it’s inexpensive. I would recommend the new Intel proWireless 2915ABG Network Connection, that can pick any wi-fi band. Or the 2200BG network connection if the other one wasn’t available.

You know, I also have a Belkin card like that, and it’s weird, but it only starts working after a while, when my notebook has warmed up enough. It’s wacked, but true.

I have a Cisco Aironet 350 PCI card - never let me down, and works perfectly with Linux (some cards are real asspains to set up)

I think there’s a PCMCIA version - you could look into that :slight_smile: