Woah... So much spam

I tend to see the occasional spam, and you guys usually squelch it within an hour, but I had no idea you guys dealt with so much spam… :huh:

A few questions on my newly begotten Power…

What is the procedure when deleting spam. Delete the post, then ban the user? Find all threads created by that user and delete them as well, or is it automatic?

Also, in the Admin section, what are the “Threads/Users awaiting moderation”? Are those items that others have used the “ban hammer” on and you need to varify if it’s spam or not?

Finally, if a user has a thread titled “OMGZ! I AM A TOTAL N00BZZ. PLZ hElP WiTh My AcTiOnScRiPtS!!!” Do we help the guy out and edit the thread title to something more descriptive?

And now with my Infinite Power, I shall ban TimmyTots because I can!
[whisper]Oh, right… Guess I’ll have to use my Infinite Power to dance the Macarena instead. Why? Because I can…[/whisper]

[COLOR=Red]modEdit: Cool, I can add 25 tags to threads now…[/COLOR]