World Of Warcraft

I just got world of warcraft and my beta key. i am installing it right now… mmm… can’t wait… the goodness! AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH IT FINISHED!

Ill tell you how good it is in a bit.

omg… your soo luckey. im waiting… lol

What server are you on? What do you play under? I have a regular beta and a stress test account at my disposal.

My friend gave me his stress test key because his computer can’t run it, but he FORGOT TO SEND ME THE LINK TO REGISTER AN ACCOUNT!!!


Is this the link you’re looking for?

Oh by the way, I play a Night Elf under the name Wanyo in the Neltharion server if anyone plays.

How did you guys get ont he beta?

You guys are so darn lucky…evern since Blizzard started THINKING about htis game i have wanted it!

Getting on the beta is all about signing up as soon as possible.
It’s a great game, I’m not big in the whole MMO thing but this game is just so addicting!

Yesyesyesyesyes THANK YOU!

I’m gonna go play now, don’t expect to see me again all day! :smiley:

Sorry i couldn’t reply guys. My computer. I Upgraded to a new motherboard/processor. Windows thought it was a whole new computer… and let’s just say, all of my settings… gone… I’m devastated.