

Congratulations you young wizard you! :look:

lol. im also helping them out too. im making a website for the game and maybe a forum. This will be great for my portofolio

Time to “put on your robe and wizzard hat” :slight_smile:

lol… harry potter mmorpg… ahaha… nothing compared to WoW. NOTHING.

Post some screenshots :slight_smile:

yo, get me in the beta? I would like to help out.


Congratulations man.

And i thought my WOW friends were losers…:smiley:

I would ask too cept my monitor is broken, so I’m stuck on my dads lappy. :frowning: 1.25 gigs of RAM being wasted.

And i thought my WOW friends were losers…:smiley:

I resent that. :upset:

you guys are meen! so sarcastic… lol its not like its a big deal like you guys make it…

im not sure if i can get people in beta, but im just gonna try it out and im helping them make the site and forum. but i never played WoW and other ones this will be my second mmorpg that i have tryed, i think the beta starts tommorow so i will post some screenshots.

Lookin forward to it. Show pics of login screen too :slight_smile:

harry potter mmorpg? is it possible for you to send invites, just like gmail did? your ■■■■ lucky!
last spot eh?:lol:

Congratulations :slight_smile:

(who can be the South Park fan that can quote Cartman regarding Harry in the Lord of the Rings episode? :crazy:)


congrats on getting into the beta, and even scoring a website job.

As long as it’s not against the EULA, do post us some sneakpeaks, eh?

ya sure ill see if ican some screen shots, and i’ll fill you guys on all the info ill get. But right now im starting the site, Can someone help me out with one thing, so here it goes, im in photoshop cuz im making a some interferences for the site, when i get the text tool and type it only types in upper cases and caps lock is not even on! can someone help me i dont understand why



Hello everyone, it is me in person. The man behind the magic, thanks for your concern in harry potter adventure. Depending on what you do and how bad you want it, i can most certainly try to squeeze you into beta. If not beta then definitely initial release. To accomodate hogwarts comfortably at release we will only be accepting 5,000 members. To sign up for a spot, send an email to stating whether youd like to be a teacher or a student, if so what position i will list positions available. And as far as the screenshots, i can do you one better if wanted i can post a live gameplay video on the forums.

For more information please send emails to , or for technical concerns

Thank you for the support,

Aaron Norwood,
Production Manager, Free Will Gaming

P.S. thanks to waseem for his offering his assistance in developing our website, we have a professional working on it right now, but waseem has some great ideas, so we swooped him up so he could add his input.
Thanks waseem.