WOW! Asp.NET and flash...Dynamic

I am having major problems with a scroller componant that is built in to flash. And also with LoadVariablesNum.

What i am trying to do is access a database through and pass a text variable to flash for displaying. The size of the movie is pretty small so i needed to put a scrollbar in my movie incase the text i am calling gets too large.

What i am having problems with is, the text loads most of the time and usually without the scroll bar but rarely it will display correctly, with the scrollbar. When i drop the framerate down to 12fps then it will dispay correctly most of the time. It’s as if the movie needs more time to load the text.

Is there something i could do to make the movie only display when the text is ready? Or in your thoughts what would be the best way to go about doing this? Is this the right direction?

Below is a sample of what the actions look like:
Note that i have 6 layers and 10 frames…the TextBox1 and the frame action that loads variables reside on frame one. I have a Do{}While loop on the second frame and the scroller component on the third frame. This seems the only way i could get everything working atleast some of the time.

First frame along with a textbox that has a “news” var


Second frame has a do while loop

do {trace ("dong")
} while (textbox1.text == "");

Third frame has a scroller attached to the textbox1.

The file just connects to the DB, gets the news and makes a var called news.

I know that was long but i think it needed to be spelled out in order to get an exact answer.

Thanks for your time a patience,