Wow EG

I am strong like red bull. I never went into martial-arts. I should have, maybe I would not be chubby… BAH! :trout:

lol. I did some proper exercise for the first time in months yesterday…
now I can’t walk lol! :thumb:

Haha :stuck_out_tongue: Great goin’ :stuck_out_tongue:

Wing chun is very good. (i love one form, or kata or whatever. that we call wing chun 1, it last like 10 secs but omggggggggggggggggggggggg i luv it )

my kf style is 5 animals.

im going to try full contact in a few weeks… lets hope i dont get back with a broken neck or something :stuck_out_tongue:

At least at least none of you have had the humiliation of having to spar with a partner who’s a foot and a half taller than you. :slight_smile:

Have you any idea how embarrassing it is when your head only reaches about halfway up the other guy’s chest? :stuck_out_tongue:

I love karate though. I did Tai Chi as well for a while. :slight_smile:

er! not true. I was a right short-arse :wink:

anyway. I feel proud of myself for actually doing exercise for a change! another upside: now that I can barely walk, it gives me an excuse to surf all day :stuck_out_tongue:

*Originally posted by Voetsjoeba *
**Aaah, that’s too bad. Having to quit right before black belt :(. **

Hehe true, but the black belt test was going to be tough…and I really didn’t enjoy attending class. In hindsight, I’m glad it all worked out for the better =)

*Originally posted by Kitiara *
At least at least none of you have had the humiliation of having to spar with a partner who’s a foot and a half taller than you. :slight_smile:

Kit, I am not really tall either (5’4 (laugh it up everyone :)) - I am short by most normal standards. That was another reason why I disliked Karate class. So basically, I had that humiliation almost all the time!

Kirupa :wink:

yeah, but it’s cool if you get to beat the crap out of someone :slight_smile:

haha, of course! Though with the padded gloves and foot-wear and the giant-padded helmet thing, you can’t do too much damage…but just enough =)

5’4 Kirupa, you look much taller in your photo

i am 6’1 and used to do Judo, i was really good but then i found Girls and booze and it went the way of iraq

tits up? :wink:

in more then one way :cowboy:

just call me the King of Pun :wink:

sounds dangerous :beam:

i have 2 black belts -

both are leather, one has a silver buckle, one has a gold one. :stuck_out_tongue: jk

honestly, I really enjoy martial arts. I studied Tai Chi for a few
years but unfortunately fell out of habit with it. I’d love to start
into some fighting form. More than likely it would be King Fu since
that’s the style that peaks my interest the most.

Congrats to all that have succeeded in it. I think it’s a wonderful

i stopped a few years ago… i had a green belt at Shotokan karate. :)… it was fun at the beginning but got kind of boring later on though

I studied Akido for a while… Oh and at 6’4" I was a tad bigger then most every one. =p


studied shotokan for a wee while…

2nd Dan…

good style…

as far as the self defence aspect goes i guess it depends on who teaches you…

although it has to be said when you look at a lot of ppl it is a shame when you see them wearing a gi and a high graded belt and their form is not good you have to question whether it is them or their instructors fault…

a lot of charlatans in the martial arts world…

who simply take the money for the gradings and run…

used to do a liitle bit of tai chi as well but had to stop when the class broke up…

would love to to learn wing chun but there are no classes near me…

black belt @ fek u 2 he he…

2nd dan … heavy phigthing :stuck_out_tongue: My mentor has 5th, and he’s like 65 years old. I have incredibly much respect for that man.