WOW! This has evolved!

[SIZE=4]IS NOT[/SIZE] :stuck_out_tongue:

yeah, uh huh, SUUUUURE IT ISN’T!!!

If that is what you want to tell yourself.

Interesting… This gives me an idea. Lost and Mak, you should have a battle: who can make the best animated GIF involving a trout…

uh oh ;(

noman [pronounced as one word, Canadian style]. This could be cool.


Ok there is my entry…lol.

I don’t know how to make an animated .gif. I don’t even know if I have a program to do it. I once had a trial of Ulead Gif Animated, that was pretty cool, but trials end.

Shane, Reed is thinking you can make GIFs in Photoshop. But I dunno, I use Fireworks.

Not in Photoshop that I know of.

Now that I think of it, I THINK you can in Image Ready, which comes with Photoshop. But I have never opened that thing…lol.

I opened that once to try to slice an image up and add links… Didnt work to well. But yea, I think you can in image ready… Because Fireworks is an exact copy, down to the wording, of Photoshop/Image Ready.

Oh… interesting.

I doo all that in Photoshop.

Really? I couldnt figure out how. My PS6 for dummies says to use Image Ready. But I was using PS5.5, and 7 does have that slice-r tool built right in…:-\ Ill have to try it sometime…

6 has the slice tool built in too. That is what I do it with.

Use the Slice tool to slice your slices.

Then right click on the Slice tool and turn it into the Slice Select Tool. Click on your slice, then in the tool options at the top of the screen there should be something up there that allows you to apply a URL to it to make it a link.

Then when you save it go to File/Save For Web. When you save it will export all your images into a folder called images, then it will output an HTML file that has it all put together in a table.

Oh cool. I was just way to lazy to put them in tables, but if you say it does it auto… COOL

Yep it does. There is sometimes useless code though. But if it still works, it still works :wink:

I usually end up recreated the whole .html file with my own code, but that is because I am picky like that :stuck_out_tongue:

*Originally posted by morse *
**Because Fireworks is an exact copy, down to the wording, of Photoshop/Image Ready. **


I think Adobe copied that interface from MM, after they purchased ImageReady…

FW2 had been released for months, and ImageReady (first release) was a major pain to use, until Adobe <i>reworked</i> it. [SIZE=1]::I was at the San Francisco release seminar for ImageReady::[/SIZE]

But then again, I could be way off base…


Hey rev man, your the genous here… I dont even know how to spell genous…genoius… genius… whatever

no genius, just old…


I couldnt live without image ready!

it’s possible to do most things right in Photoshop 7 but image ready is much easier to use. I like how you can select the image quality for each part of the slices in your design with one click of a button, not to mention the “preview in html” function you have.

Lost is right - it does put some useless code in there but in most cases if you have to get somthing up on the web in a hurry - it’s your best and safest bet.

oops! i was just browsing the Battle forum then went to post the thread thinking i was back in random! thanks for the move!

Bad Mike, bad.