George Bush1337 has cancelled request due to no response from you; no connection was made. (Your ‘Internet Connection Firewall’ may be on. If you and your buddy are each behind a different firewall, then the connection will not work.).
WHAT?!! mdipi please MAKE SENSE!! =) =) =)
That is why Mike is the
[COLOR=darkblue][SIZE=4]<b>SPAMINATOR</b>[/SIZE] [/COLOR]
Ima delete this. I’m the Terminator here :evil:
no ur not!! Terminator 3 is coming…its crazy…and scary…imagine thousands of arnold’s!!! and they are all terminators…and why the hell do they send just 1 to save the kid…they should send like 2 then they can destroy new assasins easily…and assasins should send 3 or 4…i mean how hard can it possibly be to send people or robots through time??! it can’t be too hard…[SIZE=1]right???[/SIZE]
Anyways… Yeah… wtf is this doing here man?
mdipi actually posted this first in battle for sum reason…he is the SPAMinATOR…wait thats an oxymoron!! he doens’t KILL SPAM…he MAKES SPAM!! :trout: :trout: take this mdipi :trout:
who added the edit!!!??
Edit2: edited by Phil Jayspam master of nothing ruler of his room
sigh… :sigh: Anyone feels like begging for the life of this thread or should I terminate it now?
::continues chanting the word “terminate”::
I can’t :P. I guess I’m getting softer with the years…
let the begging BEGIN!!!
pushes lost to his knees
pushes EG to his knees
raises shotgun to head of the 2 should be beggers
“now BEG”
I will never beg to you…
thats where your mistaken…i only eat their brains!! of course i am in disguise when i go …hunting so to speak and here it is
:moustache <-----------so if you see me …RUN , or if ur packing trout, we will see who is the fastest troutslinger in all of Kirupaville :trout:
We already know that no trout weapon is a match for my trout sword. And only I can control the trout sword!
*Originally posted by *
**George Bush1337 has cancelled request due to no response from you; no connection was made. (Your ‘Internet Connection Firewall’ may be on. If you and your buddy are each behind a different firewall, then the connection will not work.). **
This is what says when someone with a firewall invites someone to join an arranged team game. I know from personal experience :).
NWC :trout:
I think I speak for a lot of people here when I say
“what the hell is going on.”
well sureshot…apparantly lost has challanged me to a duel!!!
we must go into the battle section at sunrise, and at the count of 10 turn around swinging in a trout frenzy…right lost?
btw…i have a crab rocket launcher…so beware… :moustache
Well if it is a battle you want… I just might challenge you to a drawing battle… with only pencil and paper.
oh will you!! lets see …
LOL, only I don’t have a scanner, so you will just have to assume mine is better than yours :beam: