
for like half a minute or so it was just me and 4 mods…

that was scary…

hahah it’s like being in highschool, a nerd stuck with 4 football players. =)

yeah… please dont hurt me… I mean, ban me…

lol bans

muffled screams

why muffled, there is no one around they would finish you off in the open

they are evi like that


thats right

evil evi evil evil

lol… I thought for the nerds we just hung them up by their underwear on towel hooks. So much more fun than banning.

where is aislin, i need to bury him in the grave i dug for him

i prefer being hung on the flag pole


:: mak and lava, hanging on a pole. k-i-s-s-i … oh wait…

ew ew ew ew ew…

dont’ you know it’s bad to kiss lava? get burned lips that way.

Not going to comment, not going to comment, not going to comment… :x

yeah, this thread took a wrong turn somewhere

It was Eilsoe again, he does this to poor, innocent threads. :stuck_out_tongue:

lmao:slight_smile: CRAZY! :beam:

as the expression goes: Welcome to random. :wink:

oy vey

Yes… Random… If you think about it… It’s the perfect name… I always hated when they called the main forums somethinglike Home… Or… Discussion… Blah… I wanna tlak about anything on my mind in random patterns :slight_smile:

playa, I agree! Or this one: General Discussion. phooey! :stuck_out_tongue:

what the hell eilsoe, where did that come from

i’m gonna tell Cay of your sick twisted perverted mind :bad:


where IS aislin…his grave is getting cold…