
when i saw the invititiion in my pm i knew it was april fools… i agreed and i was made one!

wtf dudes are you for real? if so thanks a bunch… I already posted in top secret thanking you all, but thankyou somuch!!


I want to be one!


Thanks Nokrev!!! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

I read the top secret forum and the thread bout me and i understand now i should be more repsonbile and everythine… thanks for giving me the chance of a life time

yeah i know you were hesitenet bout me but thanks!

You weren’t supposed to have permission to post in there… you bad, bad boy! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

[ot]welcome to our newest member, Seb Hughes. :lol: [/ot]

Modding somebody creates a new temp account in which their data is held. :wink:


You have got to be kidding me :lol:

Congrats seb :confused:

Seb’s gonna burn the place down! Ah!

seb ftw! omgwtfbbqlolz0rzlmao!

Congrats to all of the new mods. <Insert cheesy buzzwordy tagline about the future>


Yeah, congrats Seb… wasn’t a total fan of that plan, but I hope you’d take the responsibility seriously.

Same here Seb. Hope you will handle the responsibility as you should :slight_smile:


I had no say in the matter :frowning: I’m still a newb

thanky ppl…

please don’t spam in here!

why are you saying this?

Why I don’t know… why would I say something such as that. :wink:

cuz your jealous… you alwways wnnted to be a mod… and i’m up for something real!

i forgive you… :wink:
