Now I know that he is a good designer and has a cult like following. But is billey bussey this big of a deal to bid for a book signed by him. Maybe I am just un-informed. But I would snatch up a book signed by Dan Ablan, MJ or someone of more status. But I think this does tie into his cult like following who at this point is probably trying to hunt me down for my Kool-Aid jokes. But is this really worth bidding on?
Looks Like one of those cult fans actually bid 45$ on that thing. Maybe he was out of money and needs money fast. Note he did need to buy the book first
how about: Bathtub water Kirupa took a bath in - 20$ each liter (a must-have for every Kirupean)
the T-shirt Sen wore while writing the XML tutorial - ***200$ ***
MJ is Michael Jordan. And Ablan is one of the industries premiere 3d artsists (dont expect people to know that). I aint hating on the dude, I just think he has found a way to brainwash people by way of the internet and his forum. :lol: I am just curious if he has that much status to warrant a signed book. I dont hear about him at Sigraph so his 3d must not be that great. And flash forward made no mention of him (or I missed it). What exactly has he done for the industry to make people want an autographed book from him? I swear the folks on that forum are talented but a lil strange if they bid on this. IMO
I hang out at his forum because I find the topics to be be fun at times and people there usually post good artwork. But, I would never pay more for an autographed book. Their signature isn’t going to teach me anything about the product. I’m also not a Billy follower and I don’t appreciate the whole Billy cult assumption. As I said, I just like the forum.
You know there will be those few who just go there like yourself and hangout (hell I am a member too) But overall you must admit that alot of people over there have drank the kool aid. The main point of this post was not to down the forum but to understand what makes an autographed book from him so special and also did I miss something? Is he more valuable to the industry than any other developer?
I honestly don’t see the point of this thread.
If there are people who are really willing to pay more for an autographed book then more power to the person who sells it. Doesn’t matter if it’s Billy, me, you, or any other Joe.
If you learn to use Flash on an Original Autographed Billy Bussey smelling book you have an increment of 200% of the probability to have success in your life.
Where did you study flash? on some tutorial over the internet?