Wtf is this guy serious?

He wrote a chapter in the book, about getting 3D into Flash in effective ways (I’m quite sure). He’s just putting them up because some of us there wanted him to I’m getting the book anyway, might as well get it signed by bussey, why not? Its not like I’m a culty though, most of the people who are there to praise him have 25 posts (I have 1525 :thumb: )

We just find it funny :slight_smile:

Well you dont have to read or post in it. I am just wondrring why people are sucha fan to him to warrant an autographed book and to send out a global email about it. Thats it and thats all. You obviously have drunk the kool aid. Just not enough to become a fanatic. I was wondering if I missed something he has contributed. For example I would think about supporting Senocular in this manner. Since he has really contributed to the development and graphics scene. I was just thinking maybe I missed something, but I guess I did not. Imagine the uprising if he auctioned off his hat…:lol:

:lol: ^^^^

I really don’t see the issue here… if Sen wants to do that then all the power to him (I’d buy something :love: ) but I really don’t see the problem with wanting an autographed book, no matter who it is.

the issue is not the autograph book. I was just wondering did I miss something about him. The response I was hoping to get was “Yeah Billey has helped develop some sweet components and does this that and this”. That’s all maybe I was not in the know about his value in the design world. But if it is just a bunch of folks that idolize him then yes thats cool too. i just wanted to understand the root of offering an autographed book. Like if I popped up and did the same I am sure a thread like this would be created. Because people would want to know who the f&ck I am and what make that offer so special. Ya feel me?

Heres where it originated

lol…so it all was started by a fanatic fan…lol. Thanks for the clarification Colin. I get the feeling it is a joke (or should be)

word by “1” fan, hey do you billy! :slight_smile:

someone mention my name?!? :rabbit:

the point of this thread is:
it’s cool that there are flash designers who actually do have groupies :stuck_out_tongue:

I want groupies too :frowning:
anyone here willing to be my groupie?
you’ll just have to buy my personal stuff for a lot of money, put some posters over your bed, and cry my name if you see me. (females prefered :smiley: )

anyone who buys all the lines of my footer for 20$ each (that will be 28300$) will get a personal meeting with me for free

…selling bath water ehh? I think it would be tough to ship a jar of water :frowning:

can I get only the important ones? and how much whitespace? can I buy just one line with all of it because all the whitespace has been taken out?

No :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

actually the lines are sold on a random base, and you will have to collect them :stuck_out_tongue:

heck with that, I might get this every time:

[AS]this.onEnterFrame=function() {[/AS]



of course you could, but how likely is it that you get 1415 times one of those lines?

if you collect 5 times the same line you can exchange it to another line you specify !!!for free!!! :smiley:

lol…ya’ll funny

I’ll let someone rent my whole footer. They can put whatever they want! So where do we start the bidding?

mcgiver - what if you put random line of code at the end of your footer (like after you beat the last part) - and made it like a “collect them all” thing?


Guess who bidded and bought one of the ten books :beam: