Wtf is this guy serious?


Are you serious? How much?

$47.50 USD

Considering the book is going for $96.68 CAD here, I’m **** lucky I bid on that and won at that price, just saved about 20 or 30 bucks.

Well that’s cool. Scan in the signature, and I can sleep with it at night! :stuck_out_tongue:

Billy is quite popular, but beside that, it’s not at all unusual for published authors to sell autographed copies of their works.

Billy didnt write this…i dont htink he wrote any of it lol.

oh…then he stinks!

i mean erm like he has a bad odo-i mean thats stupid!

I’m sorry, but yes, he wrote a portion of it. Please see the editor’s website for details.

[size=0]Billy’s spies seem to be taking over kirupa forum…[/size]


writing a segment and writing the book is diff. But if you bought for 30 bucks cheaper than the norm I guess that is good. Hell I would buy a book with anyones sig on it if it saved me 30 bucks.

Lol…Dont accept kool aid from justjeff or colin. :lol:


I’m leaving this forum for good :sigh:

lol…Colin it was just a joke man. The whole topic is not that serious for people to get hot and bothered about. Lighten up.

You see people, the book is called “New Masters of Flash.” This implies that it is about more than one person.

Don’t let the door hit ya in the *** :lol: (j/k)

Come on man, don’t let this get out of hand, noone personally attacked you :slight_smile: These guys are just giving their opinions, that’s all.

i think this is lame, he’s not even the author of this book.

  • zod

I think it’s cool :slight_smile: There are a lot of great authors there, and if one of them autographs it, then I’m sure it’s a good collectors item.

to the question of “is he known”,
BB has been featured on a lot of sites including Erain and WereHere and has spoken at many flash conferences … as far as this book goes, there is no “one” author since it is a collection of input from 13 designers put together by FOED.

I don’t find it so odd considering how it all came about … allthough it is apparent that BB felt a little out-of-place doing this as he put a little discaimer statement on that offering page ( “…please don’t make fun of me…” )…
maybe it would have been a little more palatable if all the contributers were to sign them and then offer them out for sale (???)
sending the proceeds to the ‘Flash Widows Foundation’ or the ‘Orphans of Flash Fund’ or sumpin’ like dat :stuck_out_tongue:



Nice to know people take me seriously sometimes :wink:

colins new avatar reminds me of someone…

so will you now start replacing all "k"s in your posts by "c"s

Thats aktually a really kool idea. MkGiver, you rokk.

Does it work for you guys or not? I’m not really feeling the whole C=K thing