
Please review our web site.

Any comments/suggestions/improvement ideas are more than welcome.

URL: http://www.voxunity.com/

Very nice, very well laid out and visually appealing. It has a nice corporate look blended with trendy aspects which aren’t too dominant.

In other words, I like it a lot. =)

*Originally posted by electrongeek *
**Very nice, very well laid out and visually appealing. It has a nice corporate look blended with trendy aspects which aren’t too dominant.

In other words, I like it a lot. =) **


A beautiful site and a strong portfolio. This is quality work. There is nothing to critique. This is a solid site that has a sleek design. Great work! :slight_smile:

sweet site

i can’t find anything i don’t like about it EXCEPT when i put my computer into 800x600 and view the page the horizontal scroll bar pops up…if you made the graphics stop at 775px instead of 800px this wouldn’t happen. this is just a minor detail, but those extra 25px aren’t really doing anything.

excellent work


wow! that’s really amazing! great site! Like slayerment said, I can’t find anything wrong with it!

I love it
that’s amazing

It’s a very nice site. The only thing i suggest is making the text a little easier to read. It’s hard on the eyes abit. or is that just me :confused:

Beautiful page. I don’t think that there is anything that should be changed. looks very professional.


This is an awesome site. The only problem I could find was a typo on your “web design” page-- In the following sentence “an” should be “a” and “uniques” should be “unique”

Your site needs to have an uniques style

Sorry, once a teacher, always a teacher.

The animation at the top is very cool, very professional. I hope my web sites look this good one day:bounce:

I like it… ist good styple very flowing… can’t say much. good work.

Love the menu. Very nice tab looking buttons at the top.

Love the graphics. Clean and with a trendy style that isnt’ over done. The animations so smooth and slick.

Navigation is clean and easy to follow. There was 4 menu’s on the page at once and i wasn’t at all confused as to whre to go.

Font is sharp clean and easy to read.

Clean professonal and totaly beutiful. This site will bring in a ton of clients. Very nice:thumb:


I like your interface, especially those menu shades on top! good stuff! nice corporate site!

Not too burst the bubble here but I think someone already mentioned it - the small font size - I find myself squinting quite close to the monitor to read it. Anyone else? I do love the blue tint and effects on that, very nice.

that’s sick man. In a good way.