*Originally posted by senocular *
**… I just thought I might have seen something youve done before (all which impresses) that was similar. Maybe not. Perhaps in the future? **
Perhaps in the future… now that I know how to do it, I think I can set something up, I am already getting ideas
Senocular said that he thought he remembered me doing something like this before. Then he realized I didn’t and asked if perhaps I would create something like it in the future. And I said I might and I was getting ideas on what to do with it.
Senocular, that’s a pretty cool effect! If you don’t mind, how would you add easing to the zooming? (I’ve been playing around with your code but I can’t figure it out.)
MovieClip.prototype.makeBox = function(r){ // draw a box
var clip;
with(clip = this.createEmptyMovieClip("box"+this.depth, this.depth++)){ // create new clip
lineStyle(1, 0, 100); // draw the new clip
return clip;
ref = 300; // perspective reference
origin = {x:200, y:200}; // origin of 3d view
for (i=0; i< 10; i++){
var box = this.makeBox(50); // make box with radius of 50 (100x100)
box.x = box.y = 0; // all positioned in center of x & y
box.z = i*100; // space out along z depth
box.onEnterFrame = function(){ // control its movement, position, scaling etc
**var dir = Key.isDown(90) - Key.isDown(65); // movement direction in/out movement (a & z keys)
this.zspeed = Math.min(Math.max(-10, this.zspeed+dir), 10); // prevent speed from going beyond -10 or 10
this.z += this.zspeed *= .95; // decelerate 95% every frame, add to z position**
this.x += (origin.x-this._parent._xmouse - this.x)/10; // control left/right movement w/ ease
this.y += (origin.y-this._parent._ymouse - this.y)/10;
var prop = ref/(ref+this.z); // proportion based on reference and z positioning
if (this._visible = (prop < 4)){ // only show if proportion less than 4
this._x = origin.x + this.x*prop; // position on screen
this._y = origin.y + this.y*prop;
this._xscale = this._yscale = this._alpha = 100*prop; // scale and adject alpha for depth
fluid one or anyon else in this thread, if your willing to part with the fla for that file I would love to grab it. If not I understand and will proceed to spend the next three months translating what you guys wrote hehe.
zephn: What do you need a .fla file for? Its purely copy and paste. It uses the drawing API to create the shapes. A .fla file will not help you out any more than the code on the page. And it is advanced, so its hard to understand.
a while back on actionscript.org there was almost the exact same navigation in a downloadable .fla. i just spent about ten minutes looking for it but i cant find it now. perhaps its still there under the “movies” section.
true I did the copy and past and it worked with the boxes but I don’t know how to alter it to get the line effect that fluidone got with the buttons. I’d rather try and translate one that is further along the road of what i want as an effect.