X-men site

How did those guys create the “stryker” mutant database section on the official x-men 2 movie website? The menu zooms in and out of the screen using the a and z buttons and I just thought that was way cool. Any clues would be appreciated. See www.x-men-the-movie.com

could do that but need lots of time to spend :wink:

Lots of actionscript to create a 3d engine. It is amazing.

You could probably do this with tweens, but that would be A LOT of tweens a gigantic file size.

posted by fluid_0ne
could do that but need lots of time to spend :wink:

… prove it !! :wink:

posted by lostinbeta
Lots of actionscript to create a 3d engine. It is amazing.

You could probably do this with tweens, but that would be A LOT of tweens a gigantic file size.

are you up to the challenge lost ??

i am :bad:
i just need to finish some work … but definitively i’ll try :slight_smile:

LOL, I am not up to that challenge Kax. I KNOW I can’t pull that one off.

come on shane waldeck !! :-\

it’s gonna be fun =)

sure it’ll be fun, but it would also take me about a year to do it…lol.

oh yeah … and i’m the best actionscripter ever :sure: :stuck_out_tongue:

it wouldn’t take me more than ten minutes … [size=1]again[/size] :sure:

If it only takes you 10 minutes, then your better than me :wink:

[sarcasm]oh yeah … and i’m the best actionscripter ever :sure: :stuck_out_tongue:

it wouldn’t take me more than ten minutes … [size=1]again[/size] :sure:[/sarcasm]

and no … i’m not better than you :slight_smile:

but i’ll try anyway … you can take a seat and wait for my attempt =)

I wonder if they’re using plasma?

2 KAX:

ok mr. wiseguy!!!
i’ll do it if ya want to…

i have internet restrictions, so i’ll upload it later

it’s as good as done :wink:

oh thats not hard guys :wink: I thought LIB might be able to know how to do that… at any rate its time to learn.

MovieClip.prototype.makeBox = function(r){ // draw a box
	var clip;
	with(clip = this.createEmptyMovieClip("box"+this.depth, this.depth++)){ // create new clip
		lineStyle(1, 0, 100); // draw the new clip
	return clip;
ref = 300; // perspective reference
origin = {x:200, y:200}; // origin of 3d view

for (i=0; i< 10; i++){
	var box = this.makeBox(50); // make box with radius of 50 (100x100)
	box.x = box.y = 0; // all positioned in center of x & y
	box.z = i*100; // space out along z depth
	box.onEnterFrame = function(){ // control its movement, position, scaling etc
		this.z += (Key.isDown(90) - Key.isDown(65))*5; // controll in/out movement (a & z keys)
		this.x += (origin.x-this._parent._xmouse - this.x)/10; // control left/right movement w/ ease
		this.y += (origin.y-this._parent._ymouse - this.y)/10;
		var prop = ref/(ref+this.z); // proportion based on reference and z positioning
		if (this._visible = (prop < 4)){ // only show if proportion less than 4
			this._x = origin.x + this.x*prop; // position on screen
			this._y = origin.y + this.y*prop;
			this._xscale = this._yscale = this._alpha = 100*prop; // scale and adject alpha for depth

throw this in a new movie and you should get the same effect.
if you have any questions, shoot.

[edit] oops I forgot to add easing to the zooming… oh well ;)[/edit]

yeah but the question of the day is how would you go about navigating into that 3D Vortex of boxes, and add buttons to dynamically generated boxes…

=) but the effect the code generated rocked…

nevermind about the navigating question…i’m retarded…i didn’t have the actual movie selected…

all i have to say is that is really cool…:beam:

Wow, that is simpler than I thought Sen…lol. I still think it would have taken me a while to set something up (I am slow), but that code is extremely simple.

that’s not funny sen :-
you stole my glory !! :stuck_out_tongue: [size=1]just kidding[/size] :wink:

i knew it wouldn’t be so hard … but i’ve been so busy these last few days :frowning: [size=1]i need a break now !![/size]

[size=1][ edit ]
typo … :sigh:[/size]

*Originally posted by senocular *
oh thats not hard guys :wink: I thought LIB might be able to know how to do that… at any rate its time to learn.

I just noticed that… and hey!!!

I am not as good at this stuff as people think I am :frowning: I know bits and pieces of code, but putting it all together can sometimes be a problem for me.

■■■■ it!!!
i’ve finished!!!

oh, ■■■■ i’ll put it here anyway

enjoy :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

lol :stuck_out_tongue:

request002 ?? :stuck_out_tongue:

i like it … nice one :slight_smile: