Xiao Xiao. A great animation!

All im seeing is yahoo page not found?

less fps would do fine.

btw - where can i get Opus?

Opus is very, very, very expensive. Like 13g’s.

My last job used it, it is pretty cool and powerful. If you ask them they will send you a trial of the software. There are alot of job opportunities if you learn this software.

8gb?! What the hell? But what does it have that flash doesn’t?! All you need is a pencil/brush, insert blank keyframe (F7) and Onion Skinning!

no that is the price 13g’s = $13,000 – bucks, dinero, cash, bread, cheese, scratch, moola.

And it has a bunch of stuff that flash does not have. Request a trial. You’ll see why walt disney and those guys use it.


i know it’s 13grands but it is 8bg’s!!!

i won’t request a trial. flash is enough…

yeah it is a heavy app. But I do not think it is that heavy. But it really is wonderful. But it is more for a animations pro…like walt disney stuff. for the stick thing flash is cool.

oh screw walt disney. there’s nothing like a good old flash movie.
i’ve seen over 1000 flash movies and made over 50 but this is the best i’ve seen in my life…

Steven Seagal Episode #3

(mature content)

Hey that movie is cool!