Xiao Xiao. A great animation!

This site (http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/fight3.php) has been an insparation to me for weeks now. I have been pondering over how to make the same sort of animation in flash mx if possible. Could you please give me an idea of how to go about it or tell me what you would do. Thanks!


i think the people that make those animations should go to hollywood and be fight cooridinators for movies, some of those moves were freaking crazy!

they have 2d animation packages like Opus that can make doing this very very easy. I would not be surprised if they use it. We used at a job I had a while back it is pretty sweet.

Toon Boom is nice as well, we have it at school, but I haven’t had the class for it yet.

I’ve only seen what the other students have done and it looks pretty cool.

Opus is like toon-boom on steroids…I use toon-boom for this little online cartoon. But Opus is crazy powerful

xiao xiao now is in 3d…

*Originally posted by Neo-Geo *
**xiao xiao now is in 3d… **
link? :smiley:

heres a great place for checking out stick animations:


how they did the fade effect at the fight with the boss???
whitch program have they used??? is it 3d?

here’s the link www.xiaoxiaomovie.com

the first 6 are in 2d. If you want 3d, watch 7 and 8. But don’t expect the real 3d like final fantasy movie… its just simple one

To make the 3d I think you use swift 3d which can make basic 3d worlds for flash.

hey all.

i’ve tried one of these stick things. You don’t have to make 10 width black lines for the people and stuff. You just quick draw each frame of the guy its short and fun!

crazy ?

not bad…with a lil polishing it could be cool…gj

it’s exacly like the “the course” series. but ok for an example.

i know that’s what inspired me they are well funny!!!

wow! u did that just by frame by frame? thats cool

huh… cool! thx zeka!

Hey again all.

I tried another bit more advanced one this time!

Kerachi no.1

Hi! i made one too. But i dont have anywhere to post it? does anyone know where i can?

i found a site to post it :slight_smile:
heres the site Stickman

wait a sec i gotta activate it