I sincerely hope some kind soul can point me in the right direction on this as i feel like my brain is about to explode!
Basically, i have created a simple rollover map of London Boroughs. I have a dynamic text box following the cursor which is populated by an edited version of the Borough MC’s instance name. So far so good.
I would really like a way of neatly loading text and image information in a pop-up for each Borough, when that Borough MC is clicked on, via an xml file which contains all relevent data.
I have managed to create a simple xml file to contain the data, and to ‘trace’ the various required attributes (borough name, data, images, captions), but am unsure how to connect the data to the action of clicking on a particular Borough.
From reading around the many xml discussions (mostly discussing image galleries) i think this involves using a loop array? As i am new to flash i am struggling to find the right way of applying this method in this circumstance.
Please help!
Yours desperately,