XML Guestbook with PHP

I have uploded the files, but i am not sure how to make it work.

I have read thru this http://www.kirupa.com/web/xml_guestbook2.htm
without of luck, i am new in this flash, can someone help here, am i doing something wrong ??

You’ve uploaded the FLA but not the HTML and SWF files, so first publish your movie and upload those.
Then make sure that the permissions on the XML file are sety properly so it can be written to.

Hope that helps.


I have publish this now, but when i write in the book, it wont show.

The permission on the XML file is CHMOD 777
Has i forgot something?

If you look at the third page of the tut you’ll see that the XML file you start with should look like this:

<?xml version="1.0"?>

yours seems to be totally empty.

now it work fine, just one thing, does everyone who write the book have to refresh to see the message, does it not autorefresh or…


if you click on “Add a message” you should see your message directly without having to refresh the page.

it dont do that, i have to refresh the page to see the message,

test it

I see.
you didn’t by any chance make any changes to the AS or PHP?

I uploaded the orginal php file

$file = fopen(“guestbook.xml”, “w+”) or die(“Can’t open XML file”);
$xmlString = $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA;
if(!fwrite($file, $xmlString)){
print “Error writing to XML-file”;
print $xmlString."

seems to be working now

thx for this great script

no problem :slight_smile:

could someone check THIS and help me figure out why when you add a message it does not send. I have not alter the files. thank you.

I think you forgot to change permissions on the XML file (CHMOD). Set it to 666 (readable and writable by everyone). That should do it.

Thank you Flashmatazz,
I believe that site does not support php because I tried a different approach and it seems to be working now. Please check THIS

well it was working off my server(my computer), and I tested it a few times. It doesn’t respond now and I don’t know why.
What could be wrong now. By the way, where am I suppose to look for CHMOD?
appreciate it.

It looks like it is working. Can someone please varify the link in the post #13. Thanks
BTW/ Flashmatazz you have built this car and I don’t seem to be able to drive it.

I am editing the text to [font=Arial]Icelandic, [/font]

When i let the mouse go over the Skrifa í bók button, other text comes **Add a message, **how can i let that text be same Skrifa í bók on mouseover

and is there a way to add in **Website **in the fill form

sorry my English

No need, found it

is there a way to add in Mail and Webpage, how is it done ??