Hi there,
I have got a problem with my swf hope you guys can help me!
i have a swf it’s called page.swf this swf loades other swf’s by using a xml file named pages.xml
nothing go’s wrong here, but if i load a swf movie in the page.swf that also loads a xml, the path is different.
tis is my map structure
pages contains
page1 contains
if i go to pages/page1/picture.swf
the swf loads picture.jpg into picture.swf by using the xml
but if i open page.swf he loads picture.swf but then he quites loading, because he can’t find the xml, if i put picture.xml in the same directory as page.swf he loads everything. Is there a way to load picture.xml without moving it?
I can’t ajust the code xmlData.load(“picture.xml”); into xmlData.load(“pages/page1/picture.xml”); because page is a variable.