Xxviii.net - again, last time

i finally just said screw it and blew a pay check on it
i got my domain name and hosting through i powerweb
it cost me 95.40
not bad i dont think… just a weeks work
so yeah… wooohoooo
i better start gettin good at somethin so it doesnt go to waste

congrats 28!!!=)

anyone have anything to say about ipowerweb or anything… just comment… someone…
well, i care

yes! alex said something!
and thank you
congrats on yoru site as well

wooohooo im glad i got a good one that didnt cost an appendage or 2

oh… and by the way, whats imo mean?

in my opinion…

great! cool! i need to buy a server…

you should really go there dippy
ive been searchin around for a while and it looks great
free domain name if u buy a year long package
30 gb transfer… thats great
tons of other cool stuff

8 bucks a month… no big deal

yeah, i have been looking at then Racknine and mt. they all got killer packages are low prices.

and thats the pronounciation! its still dipi! lol

i was gonna do racknine but they dont have that great of uptime…
i think mt looks good if u have the money
sorry… i gotta spell stuff phonetically… it took me forever to pronounce your name right anways
i was always like mduhpi

yeah thats how some ppl say it. but its m pause dippy. but its mdipi for spelliung lol

does m by any chance stand for mike?

yes sir! first letter the the first name, first four of the last.

and MT has cheap hosting…just gotta look

it looks like the cheapest one is 15 maybe?
its probably better than what i have… but depending on what kind of site u need it could change stuff…
what type of site are u thinking about making?
not that i have ne idea what kind of stuff to tell u
but im interested

well as soon as i am done with AS i am going to do a full flash site. but that could take a while :P. eventually it will be a gallary kinda thing. i eventually plan on doing C++. so it will be a place to dl my stuff i do with that too. then i am going to do my HTML version.:bad:

sounds a lot like my site
are you just learning action script?

yeah, i used to know a bit, but i just blew that part off in my book lol. i am just kinda bored with my debugging chapeter, although i only got like 5 more pgs in it. then i get to do movie clips! yeah! lol.

your site is down?

thats cool
im just learning it
the biggest thing ive done it on my own is make the crosshair things like in the kirupa tutorial… except i did it on my own and such… so i feel special… and thats the best of my abilities… lol… im only on like chapter 4 in my book
but after i finish this one im gonna get a math one and stuff
i wanna learn about nodes and stuff

i want to learn Sin and Cos. but i am not even in algebra yet! lol. someone told me its really easy, so i am going to do it. i have taught myself so much already, why not again? thats cool. i want a good science book for some reason…or math…

yeah i really wanna learn cosine and sine and stuff too… and since im in algebra or geometry or w/e class im in where we use that stuff… math… yeah… it might be kinda easy to pick up on it…
i wanna do expirements like on www.bit-101.com … thats what im aimin for at least
right now the latest thing ive learned is that a forever loop will crash ur comp… wooohooo almost there

i love bit’s site. you know he is a member here? :q:

btw your site is down :open_mouth: