
I just got an interview for best buy on thursday. I did the online interview thing, and it says to come meet with a manager.

But Im talking to a girl that works at the one downtown, and shes trying to put me down saying it’s not an actual interview…

and now Im sad :frowning:

whoa! cool, sounds good, who are best buy? I take it this is a job interview and not because you’re secretly someone famous?

don’t listen to that bird trying to put you down, they must be interested in you to call you in :wink:

best buy is a electronics giant (i guess oyu could call that) in the states, and just recently moved to canada…


i love best buy, i try to go every weekend, but sometimes im not that lucky.:*(


I get in alot of trouble in Bust Buy.

Too many toys and an empty credit card…bad bad bad