Seems the crazy people are at it again making new laws that seem to violate our privacy this really sucks we gotta do something about this or mliek a user on this webpage said theres gonna be a couple of more million people about to go to jail
Argh. It seems everyone is out to be a pissant, the people who sued IE, FTTA (repeatedly), the internet wiping software a little bit back, etc. Well, just to spite the FTTA I will continue when its a fellony.
Time to get my lighter. Some documents/computers/people need to be burned.
i wish they would make a study with pirates they might be surprised piracy is an addiction not a hobby some people just do it for the sake of learning more and collecting stuff instead of making a profit off of it which is the real problem, untill im proven wrong were all pirates are fu<ked
Another thing, some bands NEED file sharing. Whithout it no one will ever know about them. I found out about my favourite band Stutterfly when a guy on KaZaa messaged me while downloading system of a down songs and said “If you like system of a down, you’ll like these guys. Give’em a listen!” (I also learned about finger eleven that way). Stutterfly are a great, yet sadly unrecognized band that could use some attention (Grim, I think you might like some of there songs, PM me if you want to hear more).
I also think it’s over the top making file sharing a FELLONY. holyshitholyshitholyshitholyshitholysh****it! This is unbelieveable! A FCUKING FELLONY?!?! WHAT THE HELL!? Just think about it if you don’t agree.
You know, I should probly watch what I am saying or eWatch may (removed due to unpatronizing discussion of eWatch)
Stutterfly you say??? will look into it
Opening Mirc :evil:
notice it says IF it is passed
yeah well the ways things are looign these days unless we the people take a stand our rights are jsut gonna keep getting raped
can we make a petition? bring it world wide? this cant be good. i say we rebel. this will affect the world guys, the internet as we know it…
not a good idea to put your name on a petition… you’d probably be the first ones they go after…
its not going into effect until december 2005 thank god. Who knows…I could be dead by then lol
pretty optimistic isnt it? lol