I do i need to know flash and php and stuff like that to join the programers cuz i only know how to program on c++
if ahmed says that i dont know how to program he is lying he just wants to ruwin eveything for me (just to tease me) not becuase he hates me or anything and we r pretty close firends.
and phill he is not embarassed or anything he just makes us look bad and actauly he was sitting beside me when i wrote this thread
there r some things i did not include when i was doing this such as the instruction page. I couldn’t do it becuase i did that for an inclass assignment and i did not have much time
so i will tel u what to do
try to put all the numbers in order using the numbers
do not put numbers over 10 and less than 0
DO NOT put a decimal it will screw the thing up and u have to restart
example: Number to reverse was 0213645978 and a user presses 4 the first 4 digits will flip to become 3120645978
dont expect anything fancy or something nice it is plain but challenging
good luck
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