You guys rock!

hehe, we freaked out Dan :stuck_out_tongue:

sorry man =)

lol, sorry :slight_smile:

No problem, I just never knew you both had a secret transvestitemarriage going on in the closet. So I guess you both came out to play huhā€¦:o

Nah, we know these long distance relationships just never work out :stuck_out_tongue:

Whaddya mean long-distance? Iā€™m right next door :stuck_out_tongue:


Lost must not see him coming because Eilsoe always takes the back doorā€¦wait, did I just say that! Thatā€™s nasty :x



[SIZE=1]:: still laughing ::[/SIZE]



OH GOD! I should write these conversations down somewhere so the funniest things Iā€™ve ever heard wonā€™t be lost! :P:P

Prime-Time comedy :evil:

Where are yoooou Loost? Hiding behind the sofa?

::checks behind the sofa::

hm, not thereā€¦ :-\

::runs the raid the fridge :evil:::

*Originally posted by Phil Jayhan *
**Yorkshirepudding makes me think of a english housewife. Donā€™t know why, it just doesā€¦

Well, youā€™re right to think British, but I donā€™t think I fall in the class of housewife.

**Well, hello little lady.
Now that you have been formally welcomed, tell us all about yourself nowā€¦

What do you want to know?

Well Iā€™m a Brit but living in Canada. Iā€™m female (eilsoe, this is for your benefit, just in case you forget).

Iā€™m a web designer, although recently laid off. All my design skills, experience, knowledge comes from my own determination, i.e. I have no official training just a lot of persistance.

Want more, just ask!

Whatā€™s you age, do you have a site, and what type of web design do you do: php, flash, html, and/or graphics?

*Originally posted by dan4885 *
**Whatā€™s you age, do you have a site, and what type of web design do you do: php, flash, html, and/or graphics? **

Iā€™m 24 (unfortunately).

I donā€™t have a site, yet! Iā€™m designing it right now - see attachment to see where thatā€™s heading ā€¦

I do flash, html, graphics ā€¦ Iā€™m not on the more technical end of stuff i.e. php, asp, javascript ā€¦ too many rules ā€¦ donā€™t like them.

Anything else?

Sounds good, it will be nice to have a another girl added to the team here at!

*Originally posted by dan4885 *
**Sounds good, it will be nice to have a another girl added to the team here at! **

Why, are we (girls) few and far between here?

Thatā€™s not what I am saying at all, I am just saying we get seldom female members on the forum. We have kitiara and rengirl, great designers in every subject, they blow me away. I admire women on their creativity, that is where I lack in design. You got me totally wrong in my post, I admire female designers!

*Originally posted by dan4885 *
**Thatā€™s not what I am saying at all, I am just saying we get seldom female members on the forum. We have kitiara and rengirl, great designers in every subject, they blow me away. I admire women on their creativity, that is where I lack in design. You got me totally wrong in my post, I admire female designers! **

Actually, you got me wrong. :slight_smile: What I meant was, is our presence on the board rare, not as designers.

Oh, I guess I totally got you wrong! :stuck_out_tongue:

I guess the girls are too shy to talk to us boys I:-)

*Originally posted by dan4885 *
**Oh, I guess I totally got you wrong! :stuck_out_tongue: **

No problem. :slight_smile: It happens, especially online.

*Originally posted by dan4885 *
I guess the girls are too shy to talk to us boys I:-) **

Not me.

Donā€™t tell anyone, but I always preferred guys to girls. Less bullsh1t in most cases.

Compared to the number of males, yesā€¦

We just got Sonmi on, not too long ago too. Great artist there :stuck_out_tongue:

Female members are ALWAYS welcomeā€¦ the more the merrier :slight_smile:

Aww crap, you post to fast you guysā€¦ sighā€¦